Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald.
I came across some film footage which shows Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby. It was of half decent quality and once taken a set of stills of these films I came across two elements I had not seen before. Most people know that Jack Ruby did shoot Lee Harvey Oswald and some excellent photographs were made of that particular moment, but the chaos that ensued did prevent people from seeing the gun, although I had seen one close-up of L.C. Graves holding the gun down, but that was it.
Click on the photograph to see a slightly larger version.
The facial expressions of Jim Leavelle’s horror speaks volumes.
In this set we can see Lee Oswald on the ground and Jim Leavelle standing pretty much above him while the others are scrummaging with Jack Ruby and L.C. Graves trying to pry the gun from Ruby’s hand. To view slightly larger samples, please click on the photograph(s).

Leavelle and Oswald on the left in the middle of the scrum of coppers you can see L.C. Graves’ hand holding Ruby’s gun.

L.C. Graves holds the gun and has managed to step away from the scrum of policemen who are trying to detain Ruby.
Afterwards Oswald is stretchered into the back of the ambulance.
Summer 2021 Update
Summer 2021 Update
Ok so this year I did a lot of scanning of Malcolm Blunt’s materials for a soon to be fully accessible archive in Nov 2021. There is a lot of material to plough through if you are a student of certain facets of the JFK Assassination. Law Enforcement Agencies, Committees and various individuals all connected in this case are all well represented in this archive. If you have read a decent amount of books on this matter then this archive can help you gain more additional knowledge.
By the time of its primary release I think I have about 150.000 pages over about 17,000 PDFs ready to be shared. The work will continue for at least another year with regular updates.
I am going to slow down on scanning for the next few months so I can tidy some bits up in the archives and also put the focus back on my own work and this website. I will put the finishing touches to my forthcoming releases of the four(!) Anatomy papers for starters. They have been dormant for most of this year and some of 2020 as well. I hope to have all this done before the anniversary or it will be a X-Mas release read instead.
In November there will be an article written and photographed by me and published in Garrison Magazine, the article will have exclusive pictures I have made of Malcolm and his archive these past three years.
I am also creating a set of videos in which Malcolm and I are having a chat about his materials. So far two have been posted and I hope to do a few more over the next few months.
Then there are also some talks scheduled such as JFK Lancer, DPUK and Project JFK in November where I will speak in great depth about the above mentioned project and its vast content.
I have some more articles in the pipeline, such as the Minox camera and Oswald’s fingerprints and once I get my papers finished then I shall be developing those articles as well.
And last but not least the movies, which I hope to make a begin with early next year.
Plenty to get on with.
Best regards.
The Malcolm Blunt Archives Update
The Malcolm Blunt Archives Update.
Greetings and happy new year. Hope you have had, under these difficult circumstances, a somewhat decent X-Mas break. I know I have not posted that much and the reason for that is that the Malcolm Blunt Archives have kept me occupied for quite some time now. And especially the second half of 2020 has been a very busy period scanning tens of thousands of pages in. I have been working on this project for more than two years now.
Starting with Harry Livingstone’s material which then slowly transcended into scanning Malcolm’s files, little did I know how much there was, yet at the same time has proven to be an absolute goldmine filled with rare and never before published documents, audio & video recordings.
Early Dec 2020, while there was a gap in Covid 19 travel restrictions, Peter Antill and I made our way to Malcolm to see what we could get our hands on to take back with us. Peter and I offloaded the 14 bags we had brought with us, yet I managed to bring ten bags back with me and that was only with 90 minutes left to do so. Two bags fill a drawer of a filing cabinet and contain anything between 2-3,000 pages. If you are wondering what type of content there is, well…..almost anything.
This is by far one of the best document collections when it comes to the JFK Assassination, but also for Dallas matters, anti-Castro, CIA, New Orleans, the ARRB, HSCA and a handful of other commissions investigating. At this point I have created roughly 10,000 PDFs. Scanning will continue for most part of this year trying to complete the digitisation of Malcolm Blunt’s entire archive.
For the first time in 18 months I managed to get access to the files I had worked on in the first half of 2019 while in Tetbury. These files have been kept at a storage site and I was very happy being able to regain access to them. The files in here are much more within my remit.
The coloured boxes are of course Harry Livingstone’s files. Malcolm’s materials in here refer a lot to Dallas Police and FBI. Due to some finds of great documents I am preparing a handful of articles which I will start working on more this month when I am taking a break from scanning.
While the Covid 19 restrictions are in place I will not be able to regain access until some time in March this year. But I have plenty to get on with for now and I reckon I will be working on this archive for the rest of the year. Expect a few cool articles to come in the next six months. And of course The Papers I have been working on these past few years and which are being crammed full with not before seen material, so plenty to look out for.
All documents thanks to Malcolm Blunt.
These are all referring to files that have either been withdrawn or are postponed in full.
More stuff coming later this coming week.
- Ruby file withdrawal.
- ARRB State Records Examination.
- Reports and Presentation on Moscow Exhibition 1959
- Moscow files 1959.
- Classifying CIA Relationships with whom it has had contact
- ARRB Request for various files.
Thanks to Malcolm Blunt I have been handed a document on Wesley Liebeler, who was one of the senior lawyers of the W.C. And although this document has been described at 22november1963.org.uk , there is no active link to the document itself. Liebeler is ploughing through and raises his questions, offers feedback and proposes amendments to Chapter IV of the Warren Report dated Sept. 6th 1964. Compared to the date that the Warren Report was issued to L.B.J. on Sept 24th 1964. Not that much notice was given to Liebeler’s remarks since not a lot changed in those 18 days.
Ladies and gents have a good read, as some of his observations are golden.
What is mentioned by Wesley Liebeler are: the rifle, the finger/palm prints on the boxes, Buell Wesley Frazier, the description of Oswald after his departure from the T.S.B.D., Amos Euins, questioning the 2nd floor encounter, Victoria Adams’ descent, the bus ride, the line-ups, the revolver, the arrest at the T.T., Johnny Calvin Brewer, Walker shooting, Marin Oswald, the rifle scope and its firing tests.
Even though the document is mentioned at the site above, you only get to read a summarisation, whereas now you have the whole thing at your own leisure.
I love the ending of the document: “I forgot to mention that some question might be raised when the public discovers that there was only one eyewitness to the Tippit killing, i/e one person who saw him kill him. All the rest only saw subsequent events. Mrs. Markham is nicely buried there, but I predict not for long.”
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- Wesley Liebeler on Chapter IV of the Warren Report.
- These are enlarged pictures from contact sheets from the Holland McCombs collection.
- They were taken in 1964 (Jerry Lewis’ movie The Patsy is playing at the T.T., oh the irony).
- I have no idea who the photographer was.
- I would like to know who the individual is in front of the Texas Theatre. And no it’s not Dean Andrews!
- I don’t know whether that’s Trauma Room 1, if anyone knows then I am all ears.
- Jack Ruby’s apartment complex
- Jack Ruby’s apartment complex
- Jack Ruby’s apartment complex
- Jack Ruby’s apartment complex
- Beckley
- Beckley
- Beckley
- Who could this be?
- Who could this be?
- Who could this be?
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
- Parkland Hospital.
His suggestions for an article on the JFK Assassination in 1967.
- Hugh Aynesworth’s JFK Assassination article suggestions for Life Magazine.
- Hugh Aynesworth’s JFK Assassination article suggestions for Life Magazine.
His phone number at that time and his article on the Garrison investigation.
- Hugh Aynesworth telephone no. in the 60’s.
- Hugh Aynesworth’s article on the Garrison Investigation.
- Hugh Aynesworth’s article on the Garrison Investigation.
- Hugh Aynesworth’s article on the Garrison Investigation.
On Jack Ruby and his death.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Aynesworth on Jack Ruby.
- Hugh Ayensworth on Jack Ruby.
Al documents from the Holland McCombs Collection at the University of Tennessee.