C.W. Brown.
C.W. Brown, detective, and part of Will Fritz’s Robbery and Homicide Department. We see him a fair a bit in the film and still footage inside the DPD.
Here he is in front of Dallas Morning News journalist Kent Biffle.

C.W. Brown in front of Kent Biffle (R). Still grab from Italian Documentary Il Due K. Screen grab BK. Click pic to enlarge.
C.W. Brown is also captured alongside his colleagues inside Room 317. Will Fritz is on the phone. Brown’s partner Charles Dhority (in between Brown and Fritz). Henry Wade on the far left. Behind Brown and whose face is obscured is M.G. Hall and behind Charles Dhority is Richard Sims and on the right looking down is Justice of the Peace David Johnston.

C.W. Brown to the left of Will Fritz who is on the phone inside Room 317 of Robbery and Homicide. Click pic. to enlarge.

Detective C.W. Brown just after Oswald complained about hygienic rights on Nov 23rd. Click pic to enlarge.

C.W. Brown escorting Oswald who is complaining about his appearance on Nov. 23rd. prior a line-up with William Whaley and William Scoggins. Click pic to enlarge.
Here is his report which is from UNT.
He also makes a report about the shooting of Oswald.
All this looks kosher, until I came across a document that seems to raise a question or two.
In the FBI document below from Nov 22nd Hank Farmer states he sees the bullet impacting JFK’s head first and then after that notices that John Connally is shot in his back. And he is of the opinion that these two shots came from opposite directions. And finally Farmer makes it clear he will not talk to the DPD! I wonder why?
The scribbles at the bottom of this document state that
- “This man interviewed at Dal PD 11/22/63 by buagent and PD detective.”
- C Brown is the lead for this matter.
Yet there is no mention of Hank Farmer anywhere in the DPD reports or any trace of C.W. Brown’s interview with him.