Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Jay Skaggs



Jay Skaggs took slide photographs during the assassination and shortly after. He is captured in the Weaver polaroid. I am only showing the shots that matter to me, to see more go to Robin Unger’s JFK Assassination Gallery.

Jay Skaggs in the Weaver polaroid. Click pic to enlarge.


Ca, Car 1 by Jay Skaggs. We see Dave Wiegman with his hand on the handle. And in the background Mark Bell is filming the front of the TSBD with the limo passing in front of him. Click pic to enlarge.


Mary Hollies and Betty Alice Foster are photographed right in front of the TSBD steps. Other TSBD workers and Marilyn Sitzman (Zapruder’s secretary) are seen on the right. Behind betty Alice Foster we can see Carl Edward Jones and Roy Edward Lewis standing higher on the front steps. Click pic to enlarge.