Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)


Chapter III – The Interrogations


3001 Mary Ferrell Foundation.

3002 Detention and Death of Lee Harvey Oswald.

3003 The Warren Commission Report: An early critique by Sylvia Meagher.

Oswald at Youth House in New York 1953

3004 Youth House psychiatry tests in 1953.

3005 John Carro.

3006 WC and in his testimony

3007 Dr Renatus Hartogs

3008 WC testimony:

3009 New York Post

3010 pages 19-24

3011 Florence Kelley

3012 FBI

3013 psychiatric report from April 17th 1953

3014 FBI report quotes from Evelyn Strickman on April 30

3015 pages 11-14 of the Youth House report

3016 December 30th 1963 the FBI

Justice in the sixties: conviction at all costs

3017 Dallas Observer.

3018 Dallas Morning News Aug 30th 1949.

3019 Crime rate figures presented through Dallas City Hall.

3020 The Texas Monthly.

3021 Bill Decker.

3022 Bill Richburg.

3023 Travis Kirk.

3023Texas Monthly in Sept. 2007.

3024 Jon Sparling.

3025 NYT article from the 2002

3026 The Sparling manual.

3027 The Law and Henry Wade.

3028 Centre for Public Integrity.

3029 Brady violation.

3030 The Innocence Project.

3031 Watkins described Wade’s tenure.

3032 The Guardian.

3033 Henry Wade’s Tough Justice

3034 The existence of 15,000 pages.

Recording the Interrogations

3035 Such anomalies persist was Duggar’s comment (at 10:17)

3036 Will Fritz’s notes in 1996.

3037 Robbie Robertson to ask Tom Samoluk of the ARRB during an interview

3038 James Hosty Church Committee testimony.

3039 Charles Dhority’s WC testimony.

3040 Assignment Oswald.

3041 March 10th 1997

3042 Pre-report made after the first interrogation.

3043 Forrest Sorrels’ handwritten notes.

3044 Fritz’s WC testimony.

3045 Bill Alexander.

3046 No More Silence.

3047 Elmo T. Cunningham.

3048 Will Fritz HSCA.

3049 Thomas Kelley’s WC testimony.

3050 Harry Dean Holmes.

3051 report from December 17th

3052 You took notes, just read them for yourself, if you want to refresh your memory”

3053 Henry wade Warren Commission testimony.

3054 World Journal Tribune – Bob Considine Mar 24 1967.

3055 Dallas Morning News from Nov 21 1993.

3056 Oral History interview for the Sixth Floor Museum

The Settings on the 3rd floor of City Hall.

3057 Third floor diagram Dallas Police Department.

3058 F.B.I. and Secret Service agents.

3059 Photo: Darryl Heikes. UNT.

3060 DPD chief Jesse Curry talking to the press in the corridor. UNT.

Timeline of Oswald’s Interrogations.

November 22nd 1963.

13:50 Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested at the Texas Theater.

3061 Gerald Hill’s W.C. testimony.

3062 Paul Bentley during his Oral History Interview for the Sixth Floor Museum at 18:30.

14:00 Oswald is brought in to the 3rd floor inside City Hall.

3063 filmed Oswald in the elevator of the DPD station

3064 Richard Trask’s Pictures of The Pain.

3065 Oswald arriving at City Hall.

3066 Charles Truman Walker HSCA statement.

3067 FBI statement Paul Bentley Feb 3rd 1964.

3068 Bentley is interviewed in the hallway.

Initial Questioning of Oswald inside the DPD

3069 Jim Leavelle.

3070 Jim Leavelle’s report.

3071 Jim Leavelle’s WC testimony.

3072 Joseph Ball asked Leavelle if he had ever spoken to Oswald before this interrogation (page 269).

3073 Joe Nick Patoski.

3074 Jim Leavelle’s Oral History video from the 6th floor museum @ 14:55

3075 his WC testimony

3076 Jim Leavelle’s testimony part 2.

3077 Joseph McBride Into The Nightmare (page 319).

3078 Jim Leavelle Oral History video from 2008 (at 10:45).

3079 Joe R. Cody.

3080 Today Cedar Hill (Duncanville, Tex.), Vol. 36, No. 6, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 26, 2001.

3081 Joe Cody 1989 interview.

3082 Barry Ernest’s The Girl on the Stairs

3083 Lieutenant T.L. Baker report at UNT (page 4).

14:15 – 14:25 Oswald Questioned by Gus F Rose and Richard S Stovall

3084 Bob Carroll WC testimony.

3085 Richard Stovall

3085 The joint report made up with Gus Rose and John Adamcik.

3086 Richard Stovall’s  W.C. testimony.

3087 Gus Rose’s  W.C. testimony.

3088 Gus Rose.

3089 Article in 1998 for D Magazine.

3090 Richard Sims’ WC. testimony.

3091 Elmer Boyd W.C. testimony.

3092 NBC timeline.

14:30 – 16:05 First Interrogation by Will Fritz

3093 John Will Fritz.

3094 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3095 handwritten notes.

3096 Will Fritz notes ARRB in 1997.

3097 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3098 Elmer Boyd.

3099 Elmer Boyd Warren Commission testimony.

3100 HSCA testimony Elmer Boyd.

3101 “Capturing Oswald”

3102 Elmer Boyd video for the Sixth Floor Museum.

3103 Harold Weisberg noted this already decades ago.

3104 Richard Sims’ Warren Commission testimony.

14:55 Oswald’s photo appears on the wire

3105 here.

3106 6th Floor Museum with Fred Kaufman.

3107 This photograph

15:01 J Edgar Hoover tells RFK He Thinks Oswald is the Man Who Killed The President

3108 15:01 Dallas time J Edgar Hoover has a report made

15:00 – 15:15 Hosty and Bookhout join Captain Fritz

3109 Bookhout describes in a report from Nov 29

3110 James Hosty Warren Commission testimony.

3111 two pages of the hand written notes.

3112 Assignment Oswald.

3113 third notebook page.

3114 handwritten document.

3115 James Hosty papers which were made public by the ARRB in 1997.

3116 Hosty papers.

3117 Joint Hosty/Bookhout report.

3118 Assignment Oswald.

3119 The James Hosty Oswald Interrogation notes.

3120 Hidell ID article.

3121 Assignment Oswald.

3122 Hoover makes a half hearted attempt weeks later.

3123 Hosty’s HSCA testimony.

3124 Hosty Church Committee testimony Dec 5th 1975.

3125 Hosty Church Committee testimony Dec 12th 1975.

3126 Hosty Church Committee testimony Dec 13th 1975.

3127 Hands cuffed behind him.

3128 Malcolm Blunt Archives.

3129 HSCA staff review interview on August 25th 1978.

3130 James Bookhout.

3131 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3132 James Bookhout WC testimony.

3133 James Bookhout joint statement with James Hosty.

3134 James Bookhout WC testimony.

3135 James Bookhout report Nov 25 1963.

3136 The destruction of Lee Harvey Oswald’s alibi and the invention of the second floor lunchroom encounter.

15:15 Robert E. Jones of the 112th INTC contacts the DOJ/FBI

3137 DOJ report Nov 22 1963.

3138 Another teletype of the FBI (page 7).

3139 Selective Service Card is mentioned in an FBI communique

3140 HSCA April 4th 1978.

3141 HSCA April 28th 1977.

3142 Secret cable of the 4th Army Command to the Strike Command on the evening of Nov 22nd 1963.

3143 Don Stringfellow HSCA interview on October 26th 1977.

3144 Robert E Jones HSCA Nov 28th 1978.

3145 ARRB to Stephen Weiss on February 28th 1997.

15:15 Nicholas Katzenbach wants to release a statement of Oswald’s Guilt

3146 FBI Clyde Tolson Nov 22nd 1963.

3147 Hoover on November 24th.

3148 Nicholas Katzenbach on November 25th (page 27).

16:00 Interrogated by Forrest Sorrels

3149 Part 1 of Forrest Sorrels’ WC testimony.

3150 Part 3 of Forrest Sorrels’ WC testimony.

3151 Preliminary interview of Forrest J Sorrels by Samuel A Stern for the WC April 10 1964 (pages 5 & 6).

3152 William Patterson Schweiker Committee interview.

3153 Winston Lawson WC testimony.

16:15 J Edgar Hoover Contacts Assistant DA Norbert Schlei 

3154 contacting Assistant DA Norbert Schlei

16:25 Hosty and Sorrels meet briefly

3155 USSS Agent William Patterson in his Nov. 25th report.

3156 William Patterson Schweiker Committee interview Nov 21 1975  (page 18).

3157 James Hosty W.C. testimony.

16:30 Oswald is being frisked again

3158 The alleged bus ticket found on Lee Oswald.

3159 Elmer Boyd.

3160 Richard Sims.

3161 Marlin G Hall.

3162 report by Hall typed on the 22nd.

16:35 First line-up with Helen Markham

3163 Line-up notes by Jim Leavelle.

3164 WE Perry WC testimony.

3165 Richard Clark WC testimony.

3166 Elmer Boyd WC testimony.

3167 Don Ables is asked by his jail supervisor to join in on very short notice.

3168 Jim Leavelle WC testimony.

3169 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3170 Jim Leavelle WC testimony.

3171 Helen Markham.

3172 CE 1974.

3173 Wesley Liebeler stated (page 24).

3174 December 4th 1964 in a public debate.

3175 Video of Markham at 0:31.

3176 Into the Nightmare by Joe McBride.

3177 The Realist from Sept. 1964.

3178 Helen Markham WC testimony.

3179 The WC mention this matter in a draft report (page 14).

3180 Will Fritz.

3181 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3182 LC Graves.

3183 LC Graves WC testimony.

3184 LC Graves in Larry Sneed’s No More Silence.

3185 hospital emergency room of City Hall.

3186 Jim Leavelle WC testimony.

3187 Jim Leavelle Into The Nightmare (page 482).

16:50 Second Interrogation

3188 Elmer Boyd’s W.C. testimony.

3189 Marrion Baker.

3190 Marvin Johnson.

3191 Marrion Baker HSCA interview (pages 2 & 3).

3192 Roger Craig.

3193 Jesse Curry in the evening of the 22nd..

3194 James Bookhout report Nov 23rd.

3195 Roger Craig Fort Worth Star Telegram Nov 23rd.

3196 Roger Craig WC testimony.

3197 WC testimony had been changed

3198 Roger Craig Clay Shaw trial.

3199 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3200 Fritz barely knows Craig.

3201 Will Fritz W.C. testimony.

3202 Alan Belmont of the FBI compiles a report which is sent to Clyde Tolson.

18:20 Second line-up for Cecil McWatters, Ted Callaway and Sam Guinyard

3203 Jim Leavelle’s line-up notes

3204 Cecil McWatters W.C. testimony.

3205 Cecil McWatters handwritten affidavit.

3206 Gokay Hasan Yusuf.

3207 Harold Weisberg.

3208 Jim Leavelle report.

3209 Jim Leavelle WC testimony.

3210 Ted Calloway handwritten report.

3211 Ted Calloway typed report.

3212 Sam Guinyard handwritten report.

3213 Sam Guinyard typed report.

3214 Sam Guinyard W.C. testimony.

3215 Ted Calloway W.C. testimony.

3216 Sam Guinyard W.C. testimony.

3217 Ted Callaway W.C. testimony.

3218 Accessories After the Fact (page 258).

3219 Domingo Benavides report.

3220 Domingo Benavides WC testimony.

19:03 Arraigned for the murder of JD Tippit

3221 Will Fritz WC. testimony.

3222 Richard Sims WC testimony.

3223 Elmer Boyd WC testimony.

3224 David Johnston WC testimony.

3225 Oswald leaving room 317 after his ‘arraignment’.

3226 Second version  of Oswald leaving room 317 without audio.

3227 Oswald filmed further down the same corridor.

3228 Jim Lehrer Daily Beast.

19:30 Interrogation by Manning Clements.

3229 Manning Clements.

3230 James Bookhout.

3231 Manning Clements’ Report Nov 23 1963.

3232 AJ Hidell is ‘discovered’ by the FBI

3233 Manning Clements WC testimony.

3234 Report by MG Hall.

3235 Manning Clements’ WC testimony.

3236 Alek James Hidell ID.

3237 Oral History Interview

19:40 Third line-up for the Davis sisters.

3238 Jim Leavelle notes on the Davis Sister’s line-up.

3239 Affidavit of Barbara Jeanette Davis.

3240 Affidavit of Virginia Davis.

3241 USSS report Barbara Jeanette Davis.

3242 USSS report Virginia Davis.

3243 Virginia Davis W.C. testimony (page 11).

3244 Barbara Jeanette Davis March 12th 1964 FBI affidavit.

3245 WC testimony of Barbara Jeanette Davis

3246 Virginia Davis WC testimony.

19:50 Oswald exclaims to be a patsy.

3247 Hank Moore WC testimony.

3248 Hank Moore report

3249 Oswald declared himself a patsy.

3250 Henry Wade.

3251 Henry Wade Warren Commission.

3251 Jim Allen.

3252 Jim Allen death penalty prosecutions.

3253 Jim Hosty also writes a report mentioning Allen on Dec 20th 1963.

19:55 Third interrogation

3254 Bill Alexander – No More Silence.


20:00 Marina & Marguerite Oswald arrive at City Hall

3255 Carl Day paraded the rifle through the third floor corridor

3256 Marina Oswald

3257 statement

3258 Carl Day WC testimony

3259 John Adamcik acknowledges Carl Day’s presence

3260 Darryl Heikes photo

3261 Will Fritz in his undated and unsigned report


20:45 Buell Wesley Frazier is brought in

3262 Where Were You by Gus Russo and Harry Moses.

3263 Irving Police Station.

3264 Richmond Times Dispatch.

3265 Buell Wesley Frazier on his Will Fritz interrogation video.

3266 Frazier also discusses Fritz and the Lee Enfield rifle at the AARC.

3267 Buell Frazier and Hugh Aynesworth video.

3268 Gus Rose behind Buell Wesley Frazier.

3269 Buell Frazier lie detector test documents.

3270 Detective RD Lewis was the polygraph operator while Frazier was questioned about the so called bag.

21:00 Oswald Has Paraffin Casts, Fingerprints and Palm Prints Taken

3271 WC draft document (pages 1-3).

The Search for the Original Fingerprint Sets

3272 The Portal to Texas History.

3273 Nat Pinkston in his late afternoon report of November 22nd.

3274 set of photos

3275 an empty tin of wax, a brush, a small jar and a scraper

3276 positions of certain fingerprints of Oswald’s on these cards.

3277 Doughty showed off just one set of fingerprints

3278 video

3279 Malcolm Blunt’s archive

3280 photographed up close by a news photographer from that opposite angle

3281 CE 627

3282 record was made on July 7th 1978

3283 RIF sheet ending with 49

3284 file with the RIF number ending with 48

3285 four pages has been withdrawn by the FBI.

3286 some are eventually found

3287 undated FBI document,

3288 Carl Day WC testimony,

3289 627

3290 628

3291 629

3292 735

3293 736

3294 undated FBI document (page 6).

3295 WE Barnes WC testimony.

3296 a set at UNT.

3297 Johnny Hicks WC testimony.

3298 inkless set

3299 First Day Evidence by Gary Savage & Rusty Livingstone.

3300 from the one at UNT,

3301 Getty Images.

3302 Paul Groody, a Dallas mortician, in a sworn statement on October 23rd 1979 (pages 26 & 27)

3303 video

3304 The Men Who Killed Kennedy

3305 Reasonable Doubt (page 107)

3306 First Day Evidence by Gary Savage & Rusty Livingstone

The Trigger Housing of the Carcano

3307 First Day Evidence by Gary Savage & Rusty Livingstone

3308 The FBI, in 1959, aimed for twelve points of identity.

The Media

3309 Best Evidence by David Lifton

Vincent Drain

3310 Vincent Drain is spotted behind Wade and Fritz

3311 Henry Wade is giving his press conference

3312 J Edgar Hoover wrote to DPD Chief Jesse Curry

3313 UNT

3314 Karl P Knight who was the head of the fingerprint division (page 19).

3315 November 29th 1963 Vincent Drain

3316 Carl Day WC testimony

3317 statement from January 8th 1964.

The Palm Prints

3318 Sylvia Meagher (page 24).

The Palm Print Cards

3319 CE 735

3320 736

3321 FBI report from May 19th 1978

3322 left

3323 right

Carl Day

3324 Helmer Reenberg compilation of various clips

3325 WC testimony

3326 Exhibit 720

3327 721

3328 Exhibit 637

3329 737


3330 Commission Exhibit 629

3331 FBI interview from September 9th 1964 JC Day states on page 4

3332 Later on,

3333 December 23rd 1963 Will Fritz had a report made up

3334 Carl Day’s HSCA interview

3335 Reasonable Doubt

3336 First Day Evidence

3337 statement made by Day to the FBI (page 5)

3338 Jesse Curry WC testimony

3339 ARRB document from December 19th 1996

Henry Wade

3340 during the press conference on November 24th


3341 Vincent Drain collects the rifle.

3342 Henry Wade held a press conference

3343  FBI (J Edgar Hoover) writes on Nov. 23rd to DPD Chief Jesse Curry

3344 FBI returns it to the Dallas Police on November 24th

3345 Carl Day to Vincent Drain on November 26th.

3346 official report by Day.

3347 FBI states in a report, titled “LATENT FINGERPRINTS EXAMINATIONS”, from November 28th

3348 November 29th 1963

3349 report by the ARRB

3350 The FBI on February 23rd 1964 questions the initial missing photographs of the palm print (page 2).

Sebastian Latona

3351 WC testimony

The WC and the FBI Try to Iron out the Creases

3352 August 28th 1964 Wesley Liebeler reported to J Lee Rankin

3353 August 28th 1964 in a FBI document to Alan Belmont

3354 WC Exhibit 2637, a letter from J Edgar Hoover on September 4th 1964

3355 DOJ document of September 11th 1964

3356 WR is published

The Paraffin Casts

3357 Joseph L Thimes on gunshot wounds and their residue tests

3358 article and book excerpts on the paraffin casts and its tests.

3359 Weisberg Archive is a chronology

3360 Jesse Curry

3361 CW Brown

3362 WR

3363 Barnes’ WC testimony:

3364 a summarisation of a DPD/WC document

3365 Carl Day WC testimony

3366 Johnny Hicks WC testimony

An Empty Tin.

3367 empty(!) tin of wax

3368 here is a close-up

3369 WC testimony

Paraffin Test Before or After the Fingerprints?

3370 Ramparts Magazine (page 4)

3371 report submitted by Richard Sims and Elmer Boyd

3372 HSCA on April 17th 1978

3373 paraffin casts are sent in three envelopes

3374 Parkland hospital

3375 George Doughty (page 5)

3376 results from these tests are not obtained until the next day

3377 Dallas Times Herald on November 24th

3378 after a Neutron Activation Analysis

3379 additional technical info from Vincent Guinn and contains more articles

3380 newspaper article on October 13th 1964.

3381 FBI also releases a report in the afternoon of November 23rd

3382 FBI earlier that day is keen to obtain the test results

3383 FBI document

3384 Norman Redlich writes to Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles on July 2nd 1964

3385 Marrion Johnson of NARA confirms on February 3rd 1966 (page 2)

3386 DPD had no clue about the Hidell ID on the 22nd

21:00 Bill Alexander Wants to Charge Oswald for Killing JFK As Part of an International Communist Conspiracy.

3387 Bill Alexander.

3388 Charge Oswald with the murder of J.F.K. as part of an international communist conspiracy with malice and forethought.

3389 interview with Bill Alexander in September 1973.

3390 from November 3rd 1975.

3391 Waggoner Carr Interview with William Manchester on Sept 22nd 1964 (page 14).

3392 Nicholas Katzenbach in an interview with William Manchester (page 47).

3393 interview with Melissa Johnson in 1993.

3394 interview with William Manchester.

3395 Oswald’s case report.

3396 Earl Golz in Nov 1975, Bill Alexander.

21:30 The Howard Brennan Line-up.

3397 Howard Brennan statement for the Sheriff’s Dept. on Nov 22.

3398 Howard Brennan’s WC testimony.

3399 a little card

3400 Eye Witness to History

3401 WC memo from Samuel Stern and John Hart Ely to J. Lee Rankin April 7th 1964.

3402 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3403 Forrest Sorrels by William Manchester RG 233, BOX 290-JFK Task Force, Numbered File (page 7).

3404 Preliminary interview of Forrest J Sorrels by Samuel A. Stern for the W.C. April 10 1964.

3405 Sorrell’s WC testimony

3406 Winston Lawson W.C. testimony.

23:00 Interrogation by John Adamcik.

3407 John P Adamcik.

3408 John Adamcik on the right while Lee Oswald is being escorted.

3409 John P Adamcik WC testimony.

3410 Adamcik, who spoke Russian.

23:00 Greg Olds, Greer Raggio, Otto Mullinax and LND Wells Jnr arrive at DPD.

3411 Ronnie Duggar.

3412 Brandon L Lovely.

3413 Greg Olds.

3414 Greer Raggio.

3415 Otto Mullinax.

3416 LND Wells.

3417 Internal communique ACLU document.

3418 David Johnston.

3419 Oswald is heard complaining to the press about not having any legal representation.

3420 Greg Olds’ WC testimony.

3421 Professor Charles Webster.

3422 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3423 NYT Dec 6th 1963.

23:30 The Press ask to see Oswald.

3424 Vincent Drain in Larry Sneed’s No More Silence.

3425 Vincent Drain video.

23:45 Alfred D Hodge arrives at the DPD

3426 Alfred D Hodge statements.

3427 Alfred Hodge WC testimony.

3428 Alfred Hodge HSCA interview.

November 23rd 1963

00:15 Oswald’s Press Conference.

3429 Retired Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry Reveals His Personal JFK Assassination File by Jesse Curry (page 76).

3430 footage

3431 Four Days In November.

3432 Winston Lawson WC testimony.

3433 Greg Olds’ WC testimony.

3434 Ronald Dugger in The Texas Observer, May 1964.

12:23 Oswald is booked in jail.

3435 Oswald is officially booked in jail at 12:23.

00:25 Henry Wade’s Press Conference.

3436 during his press conference.

3437 Henry Wade press conference.

3438 The Day Kennedy Was Killed by Jim Bishop, chapter 12 Midnight.

3439 FBI Report Jim Bishop July 17 1968.

3440 BBC History Magazine.

3441 another person appears in the picture.

00:40 Oswald’s Mugshot and Fingerprints

3442 b&w

3443 colour

3444 photographed in between two police officers.

01:35 Oswald’s Arraignment for the Murder of JFK

3445 Oswald’s jail release slip.

3446 first reaction to the WR in September 1964.

3447 David Johnston, a Dallas Justice of the Peace, is being interviewed by ABC’s Roger Sharp

3448 David Johnston WC testimony.

3449 Jesse Curry WC testimony

3450 Retired Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry Reveals His Personal JFK Assasssination File by Jesse Curry (1969).

3451 Into The Nightmare by Joe McBride (Pages 235/236).

3452 MW Stevenson on Oswald’s arraignment to NBC’s Tom Petit.

3453 MW Stevenson.

3454 MG Hall report Nov 22 1963.

3455 Wilson F Warren report April 11th 1964.

3456 USSS report by Thomas J Kelley Dec 5th 1963.

3457 Maurice (real name: Morris) Harrell.

3458 David Johnston WC testimony.

3459 Henry Wade WC testimony.

3460 Timothy Cweik.

3461 The Philadelphia Bulletin (page 1 & page 2).

3462 James Hosty affidavit in WC Document 5 (page 400).

3463 Assignment Oswald.

3464 Cuero Record from Nov 24 1963.

3465 Mattoon Journal Gazette on Dec 13 1968.

3466 DPD statement by Elmer Boyd.

3467 MG Hall’s statement.

3468 TL Baker WC testimony.

3469 TL Baker’s Report.

3470 Robert Oswald WC testimony.

10:30 Joe Molina arrives at the DPD

3471 Joe Molina.

3472 Molina’s statement by Billy Senkel.

3473 CE 2036.

3474 Joe Molina WC testimony.

3475 Chief of Dallas Police Jesse Curry on film.

10:35 – 11:30 Fourth interrogation.

3476 Captain Glenn D King to journalist Holland McCombs.

3477 Oswald jail release slip.

3478 Robert Irvine Nash.

3479 Will Fritz notes (page 2).

3480 Will Fritz notes (page 3).

3481 Will Fritz WC testimony.

3482 James Bookhout Nov 25 1963.

3483 November 22nd Bookhout & Hosty report.

3484 entry and exit door.

3485 the photographs 14-20.

3486 document, from January 3rd 1964.

3487 January 14th (page 15).

3488 Fritz notes page.

3489 Thomas Kelley.

3490 Kelley’s November 24th report.

3491 USSS Thomas Kelley statement Nov 23 1963.

3492 James Bookhout Nov 25 1963.

3493 James Bookhout WC testimony.

3494 Forrest Sorrels WC testimony.

The Hidell ID

3495 A full transcript is on pages 107-110.

3496 speaks to gathered press in the  third floor corridor.

3497 Bentley is interviewed on WFAA TV.

3498 December 3rd 1963 Paul Bentley wrote up his report.

3499 December 3rd 1963 statement.

3500 Oswald and the others to City Hall.

3501 Bob Carroll’s WC testimony.

3502 Gerald Hill.

3503 filmed interview (at 02:55).

3504 Gerald Hill was interviewed by the WC.

3505 George O’Toole in his book The Assassination Tapes (chapter 9, page 157).

3506 joint report by Richard Stovall, Gus Rose and John Adamcik.

3507 Richard Stovall’s WC testimony.

3508 Gus Rose, who submitted his findings in the same report.

3509 supplemental report.

3510 The handwritten report by Gus Rose.

3511 Gus Rose’s WC testimony.

3512 D Magazine, Gus Rose.

3513 James P Hosty.

3514 James W Bookhout.

3515 James Bookhout’s WC testimony.

3516 Robert E Jones of the 112th INTC contacts the DOJ at 15:15.

3517 Secret Service on December 5th 1963.

3518 April 4th 1977.

3519 Robert Jones’ HSCA interview from April 20th 1978.

3520 Forrest Sorrells.

3521 16:25 the San Antonio office of the FBI sent a report.

3522 Assignment Oswald.

3523 Church Committee testimony that Hosty gave on December 13th 1975.

3524 Manning Clements.

3525 James Bookhout.

3526 Manning Clements WC Testimony.

3527 report by MG Hall.

3528 report made the next day on the 23rd.

3529 FBI report.

3530 Don Stringfellow of the DPD Crime Intelligence Division sends a cable.

3531 an HSCA interview on December 28th 1978.

3532 Will Fritz mentions in his notes.

3533 James Bookhout.

3534 Thomas J Kelley.

3535 Harry Dean Holmes’ WC testimony.

3536 Walter E Potts’ report.

3537 November 23rd 1963 Richard Sims of the DPD.

3537 November 29th 1963 the FBI .

3538 December 19th 1963.

3539 FBI document from November 23rd 1963.

3540 William Westbrook’s report from December 3rd 1963.

3541 Westbrook’s WC testimony.

3542 Westbrook’s HSCA report in 1978.

3543 Robert Barrett of the FBI in his November 22nd statement.

3544 In this book excerpt (page 4).

11:30 Oswald wants John Abt to represent him.

3545 this video starting at 5:25.

3546 PBS video (at 46:00).

12:30 Harold McDervid Offers Counsel to Oswald

3547 Harold E McDervid

3548 FBI agent Richard Harrison from November 23rd

12:35 Fifth Interrogation

3549 a report of this interrogation available from Thomas Kelley.

13:00 Marina and Marguerite Oswald visit Lee

3550 This visit lasts approximately twenty minutes.

3551 Jailer JR Stacey

3552 Marina Oswald’s WC testimony

13:40 Oswald has lunch and calls New York.

3553 Captain Glenn D. King to Holland McCombs on Nov 26.

3554 Buel T Beddingfield.

3555 Arthur E Eaves.

14:15 Oswald’s line-up with William Whaley and William W. Scoggins.

3556 Line-up notes William Scoggins and William Whaley.

3557 Charles Dhority WC testimony.

3558 Oswald is protesting against the unfair line-up.

3559 Oswald protesting against the unfair line-up from a different angle.

3560 Walter E Potts WC testimony.

3561 Jim Leavelle WC testimony.

3562 William Whaley WC testimony.

3563 CBS footage of Scoggins in the distance.

3564 FBI on November 25th

3565 William Whaley first handwritten statement.

3566 William Whaley second handwritten statement.

3567 William Whaley first WC testimony.

3568 William Whaley second WC testimony.

3569 William Whaley’s third WC testimony.

3570 William Scoggins’ DPD affidavit.

3571 FBI statement William Scoggins Nov 25 1963.

3572 William Scoggins’ W.C. testimony.

14:45 Hair and nail samples taken, Paraffin casts delivered to FBI.

3573 BG Brown report Nov 23.

3574 Handwritten report Nov 23 1963.

15:30 Robert Oswald visits Lee.

3575 Robert Oswald WC testimony.

3576 Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his Brother (pages 142-145).

16:00 Oswald makes another call.

3577 JL Popplewell Aug 20 1964.

3578 James Bookhout on Popplewell and Oswald’s calls on Feb 5 1964.

3579 Ruth Paine WC testimony.

17:15 H. Louis Nichols visits Oswald in jail.

3580 Bob Storey.

3581 Call from Nicholas Katzenbach (page 48).

3582 H Louis Nichols WC testimony.

3583 Retired Dallas police chief (page 75).

3584 Jesse Curry WC testimony.

3585 H Louis Nichols WC testimony.

3586 H Louis Nichols corridor interview.

3587 Dallas Morning News of Louis Nichols’ obituary.

3588 H Louis Nichols Video by Jessica Smith.

3589 H Louis Nichols Dallas Times Herald Dec 16 1963.

18:25 Oswald demands hygienic rights.

3590 Video of Oswald entering the corridor Nov 23rd.

3591 This video shows Oswald coming out and being noticed by Marrion Baker.

18:30-19:15 Sixth Interrogation.

3592 Jail release slip Oswald.

3593 Will Fritz’s interrogation notes.

3594 James Bookhout Nov 25 report.

3595 Gus Rose WC testimony.

3596 Gus Rose HSCA testimony.

3597 Thomas Kelley Nov 23 report.

3598 Jesse Curry WC testimony.

3599 A video of Oswald leaving the Homicide & Robbery Bureau.

3600 In this video Will Fritz is seen in front of the cameras on the 23rd just outside his office.

20:00 Oswald makes another phone call.

3601 JL Popplewell report Aug 20 1964.

22:15 The Raleigh Call.

3602 contradict each other

3603 Arthur E Eaves

3604 JE Popplewell

3605 Thurber T Lord

3606 Will Fritz

3607 Louise Swinney denies it is her signature

3608 Sharon Kovac was not there, at the time of the so-called call;

3609 piece of paper that was found on Oswald,

3610 not one refers to John Hurt let alone anyone in Raleigh.

3611 John Hurt denies the whole thing during the HSCA.

3612 author (Henry Hurt)

Nov 24th.

09:30-11:15 Seventh Interrogation.

3613 Jail slip Oswald.

3614 Jim Leavelle W.C. testimony.

3615 PBS Documentary (Who Was LHO-1993).

3616 Forrest Sorrels.

3617 Larry Haapanen.

3618 Forrest Sorrels WC testimony.

3619 Griffin and Hubert memo to J. Lee Rankin from March 23 1964.

3620 USSS Thomas Kelley Nov 29 1963.

3621 Harry Dean Holmes.

3622 Charles Dhority WC testimony.

3623 Larry Sneed’s No More Silence.

3624 Harry Dean Holmes’ report from Nov. 24th and handed to the FBI (SA Charles T. Brown Jnr.) on Dec. 17 1963.

3625 San Francisco Chronicle Jan 19 1978.

3626 Harry Dean Holmes WC testimony.

3627 Larry Sneed’s No More Silence.

3628 Leslie D Montgomery statement.

3629 Leslie D Montgomery WC testimony.

3630 Montgomery’s second WC testimony

3631 Larry Sneed’s No More Silence.

11:20 Oswald is being transferred and subsequently shot by Jack Ruby.

3632 LC Graves Oral History interview for the 6FM.

3633 Seth Kantor – Who Was Jack Ruby.

3634 Forrest Sorrels WC testimony.

3635 Charles Dhority WC testimony.

3636 Larry Sneed’s No More Silence.

3637 Leavelle

3638 Graves

3639 FBI is quick to respond and while Oswald is inside Parkland

3640 Piece of paper in Oswald’s possession containing phone numbers.

Interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald Report by Will Fritz.

3641 Interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald.

3642 Steve Thomas

3643 James Bookhout WC testimony.

3644 Martha Joe Stroud document.

The Aftermath

3645 Wade press conference Nov 24.

3646 Henry Wade WC testimony.

3647 Richmond Times Dispatch.

3648 FBI document from November 24th.

3649 J Edgar Hoover Nov 24.