Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)



Welcome to  Prayer Man.

After all these years of deep research I have combined the key material into a book entitled “Prayer Man More Than A Fuzzy Picture”.

Did not think of doing this until I was nudged by Malcolm Blunt  who said: “You should do a book.” So here goes!

Amazon E-book                                                        Soft back
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It is also available through AbeBooks  Google Play – 
All sources to the documents, photographs, interviews, newspaper articles and videos can be viewed here.
Read a comprehensive review of my book at Kennedys & King.
If you like you can view a Prayer Man chapter presentation shown in Dallas on Nov. 19th 2023.

This site presents  JFK Assassination research findings mostly about Prayer Man, the happenings inside and around the Texas School Book Depository, Oswald’s interrogations and the search for the Wiegman and Darnell films which were taken on Nov 22nd 1963.

This site contains witness testimony and documentation from TSBD employees that were present during the assassination of JFK. Alongside with agents of the DPD, FBI, Secret Service, U.S.P.S. and lawyers to complete the overall picture. The site is under constant construction while I gradually add text,  media and documents.

If you are a regular visitor and wish to see what has been added since your last visit then I suggest to check out the updates page.

There are various galleries to browse through (use the filter system to narrow down your search) and a diary with my latest findings.

The first version of a presentation captured in 2015: Prayer Man: More Than Just A Fuzzy Picture.



This site is for research purposes only, all images and text are used solely for the research of the JFK Assassination.

