Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Dealey Plaza UK

August 2018 update

This is going to be  fairly quiet month publishing wise, as I am very busy working on the new DPUK website. We have a meet on the 11th where it will be shown and discussed, and at that meet we also have William Matson Law talking to us over Skype. The official release of the website will be either end of Sept or early Oct.

Then there is a Dealey Plaza UK one day seminar on Sept 29th in York where I will do a Prayer Man talk for an hour and I will need to prep for that, the presentation will be videoed and shown on YouTube shortly after that. Since I have not spoken publicly about Prayer Man for more than two years it is safe to say that we have a few things to talk about.

A full program will be published in the next week or so.

The Anatomy Of Oswald’s Interrogations paper will be published just before that. I got 130 odd pages of new material and I have decided to change things drastically. Meaning the whole thing (at that time consisting of 435 pages) was torn up and re-assembled, but in this case it will be presented in a time line fashion instead. This benefits the paper a lot, as I was of the opinion that it became very cluttered. You will see for yourself in about one month. The info taken out will be on each law enforcement officer’s web page on this site. I have made a start with the D.P.D. which has not been finished yet and the other agencies are to follow. Plenty to do.

There are some other important bits going, but I am going to keep the lid on this for a while. From Sept. onwards there will be some interesting stories to share.

Dealey Plaza UK Canterbury 2018 Seminar

On Fri the 27th the missus and I made our way to Canterbury to attend the 16th DPUK Canterbury seminar. I had a two hour presentation to give on the Saturday and also had scheduled two interviews, one with Malcolm Blunt and the other with John Newman on Sunday. Besides that I managed to get Jim DiEugenio to do his “JFK and his foreign policy” talk. We had some rain but other than that it was ok. Barry Keane and I shared a flat in the centre of Canterbury and we joined the rest of the posse (about a dozen at that time) in the pub for a couple of pints and from thereon we made our way to Pinocchio’s an Italian restaurant where Dealey Plaza UK has been going on the evening before the seminar ever since organising it in in Canterbury.

I myself left a bit earlier than the rest and managed to get really drunk at the flat in the time span of one hour, it took me by surprise to say the least. Waking up the next morning and not remembering how I got to bed at all was already the first indicator of a raging hangover that lasted pretty much all day. And it was not just me, Barry Keane who had the honours of doing the very first talk felt it too ;) But we managed to pull through, there was simply too much at stake. I myself felt like Richard Nixon with that sweaty patch just above my lips and had to wipe it several times while the booze was making its way out through my pores.

Professional indeed….

The whole weekend was great fun and obviously flew by rather quick. I enjoyed the entire program and could I do 4-5 days of this? Easy!

I would like to thank Stuart Galloway, DPUK’s outgoing secretary, for setting the seminar up like he has been doing for the past decade, he did a marvellous job. Thank you Stuart for everything you have done!

Thanks to all the speakers as well for sharing your time and knowledge to us.



The audio of the above interview of Malcolm can also be heard at the The Lone Gunman Podcast with an intro by yours truly.

The John Newman video will be inserted in a few days. But the Lone Gunman Podcast of the audio of this telephone interview can be listened to HERE.

Gayle Nix Jackson DPUK Talk

On March 24th Gayle Nix Jackson was kind enough to share her time with about fifteen DPUK members above in the Flying Horse pub. We let her do most of the talking, about her new and above all very good book Pieces of the Puzzle: An Anthology. I recommend it especially for those that read books with a keen interest in the case.

We started with about ten of us and by the end of the talk that had grown into fifteen. As you will be able to hear from the videos we had quite a few laughs, and with the audio difficulties considered we managed to pull of a largely unscripted chat that was of great fun to us all.

Stuart Galloway was kind enough to film the screen of our talk and I took a few quick shots with my iPhone shown below. Enjoy as much as we had two weeks ago.

Finally I will not be posting much until just before Canterbury. I have two Q&As to prepare and sort my  own two hour presentation out, and there is loads that needs to be done for it. Busy few weeks ahead. I hope to show a batch of videos of Canterbury in May.


Dealey Plaza UK Canterbury Seminar 2018

April 28-29 at Christchurch Uni in Canterbury DPUK will hold its annual seminar.

Preliminary program (STC)

Saturday 28th April

09.40m – 09.50am Introduction to the Seminar by Stuart Galloway

09.50am – 10.50am Harold “Skip” Rydberg by Barry Keane

10.50am – 11.10am Break: Coffee/Tea

11.10am – 12.10pm Interrogations of LHO-1 by Bart Kamp

12.10pm – 1.40pm LUNCH That means of to the pub 

1.40pm – 2.40pm Interrogations of LHO-2 by Bart Kamp

2.40pm – 3.50pm ZR/RIFLE, William Harvey, & QJ WIN by Larry Hancock

3.50pm – 4.10pm Break: Tea/Coffee

4.10pm – 5.10pm Q & A with Malcolm Blunt with B Kamp

5.10pm – 6.00pm Possible Film or extend Larry’s talk from

Dinner at the Abbotts Barton Hotel – 7.30pm for 8.00pm

Sunday 29th April

09.30am – 10.30am The DPUK Auction with Mike Dworetsky

10.30am – 12.00pm Evidence of Gunmen in David Percox

12.00pm – 12.30pm The Dallas Police by Ian Griggs

12.30pm – 1.40pm LUNCH ( Buffet in the Lecture Theatre)

1.40pm – 2.40 pm Q & A with John Newman and B.Kamp

2.40pm – 3.40pm Jim Di Eugenio JFK’s foreign policy and also the recent released files. The impact of Donald Trump and how they were ignored by the media.

3:40pm – 3.50pm Closure of the Seminar by Stuart Galloway.

More info on attendance and pricing at DPUK FB Event page.

Costs for members.

Two day seminar including tea and coffee on Saturday – £35

Dinner at Best Western (Abbots Barton)   – £37 (we have our own room)

Buffet lunch in The Old Sessions House on Sunday – £7

Total = £79  (£42 without Dinner)

Attendance Saturday only – £20

Attendance Sunday only  – £24 (includes Buffet).


Some of the talks will be videod and shown on YouTube/Vimeo.


November updates

Hi all,

first this site and a few others got hacked and had a spam bot installed that sent millions of spam mails. Google blacklisted the site, but has all been rectified and given a clean state of health and is a lot more secure now.

Then there was the one day seminar in London, we had 15 souls downstairs at The Greene Man pub near Great Portland St. Dealey Plaza UK held a one day seminar where I did a talk about the 2nd floor encounter and also talked about Oswald’s interrogations, which is my next essay. I hope to have it finished before year’s end. Don’t hold me to it tho ;).

We followed with a screening of A Coup In Camelot. We managed to watch it on a 65″ 4K screen. Everyone enjoyed watching the documentary a lot. I myself enjoyed the Barry Ernest and Vince Palamara sections, even though I am well familiar with their work, it was good to see their research presented in this excellent documentary.


Barry Ernest in A Coup In Camelot. Click to enlarge.

Barry Keane did a fitting tribute to J.F.K. at the very end, like he always does every year. After which half of us went back into the pub since it had been such an enjoyable event. Talks about Canterbury have already started and we will try and get a killer line-up for this event. 2.5 days of constant yapping about all types of aspects of the JFK Assassination, what’s not to love :)


Out of the blue Stu Wexler told me that I was being presented with an award at the Mary Ferrell awards at the JFK Lancer conference in Dallas last weekend.

I have been given the Mary Ferrell New Frontier Award 2016 at the JFK Lancer Conference for my Anatomy essay. The Award is for new research in respect to my work on further exploring the official story of the Oswald encounter.  The Pioneer awards are intended to recognise and honour new research in a variety of fields. This year Bill Simpich, Malcolm Blunt and a few others received the awards along with me.

At first my reply to Stu was “yeah right”, but I was quickly convinced otherwise.

I am humbled by this Award and have to thank the JFK Lancer team, for the great honour of this accolade and since it is only the first piece of four, it is a major stimulant to continue.

Thank you!

The article is due a substantial update so watch this space.


DPUK Canterbury Seminar 2016 Videos

DPUK Canterbury Seminar 2016 Videos.


DPUK Canterbury Seminar 2016 cake.


Here are the videos of the Dealey Plaza UK Canterbury 2016 Talks.

I have kept my 2 hour talk offline, as in about a month there will be a set of movies that will be very similar to this talk, you will have to do with my moderated talk with Malcolm Blunt.

This interview will also be screened at next week’s LoneGunmanPodcast where I will be talking about the Dealey Plaza UK seminar and a few bits about Prayer Man and the up and coming movies.


Saturday April 23rd.

Alaric Rosman – Confusion Over The Rifle.


Larry Hancock – National Security Response on Nov . 22nd v Other Major Events.


Paul Brown – Fingerprints Of Intelligence Part 2.


Sunday April 24th.

Barry Keane – Address in Memory of JFK.



Malcolm Blunt Q&A with Bart Kamp.



Greg Parker – Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold War.


Bill Beadle – Presidential Assassinations


Jean Shields – Friends & Family.



Dealey Plaza UK Seminar in Canterbury

April 23rd and 24th the Dealey Plaza UK research group held their annual seminar in Canterbury. This was the 14th edition!

Location for its attendees to present their findings was Christchurch University right next to the center. Canterbury itself is a beacon of historic monuments, some of it is a feast for the human eye.



After Stuart Galloway bid everyone welcome it was up to Alaric Rosman to talk about the confusion regarding the rifle. The large projected screen proved to be a major asset for power point presentations.

I followed Alaric with the first half of my Prayer Man talk. In this one hour slot I discussed the films and the ongoing search to obtain better copies of them and also discussed some of the TSBD employees. One hour is not enough to discuss all the details of Lovelady, Shelley, Frazier and some of the others. I could easily fill two hours on them alone!

After that most of us headed for the pub nearby to scoff on fast food and plenty of beers for us to return and for me to discuss part 2 of my talk. This segment dealt with Lee Oswald’s interrogations and the second floor lunch room encounter which went from that to there was no 2nd floor lunchroom encounter to there never was a 2nd floor at the TSBD in the first place! This last remark is a joke obviously but the collection of statements and screw ups by all involved parties destroy this particular fairy tale of nailing Oswald for the assassination.

Straight after that Larry Hancock gave an excellent presentation on National Security Response on Nov 22nd vs other major events. Great talk but staring at just a few pages with text is demanding, a few pix alongside this would make it even more interesting. Sadly Ian Griggs did not feel well enough to hold his talk about the Dallas Police Department, a real shame and I hope he will be able to do this soon at one of the mini seminars this year, I for one look very much forward to this. The man is an authority on this subject and needs to be heard

Closing off was Paul Brown’s talk Fingerprints of Intelligence part 2 (the first installment being shown in 2015). Part 3 to follow next year, I very much look forward to that.

After that we all retreated to our rooms only for us to get together again at Pilgrim’s Hotel for a lush dinner. I had the pleasure to discuss things with Malcolm Blunt who is just a vault of information regarding this case. Everyone was quite tired and most of us went back to our rooms for a well  needed sleep (I got up at 5 and by 11 I was beat…).

The next day started with Barry Keane giving an excellent opening address in memory of JFK, accompanied with a nice set of slides. This was followed by the auction of various JFK related coins, books and films all handled by Mike Dworetsky and Allan Johnson.

Then Greg Parker came on, first with the movie he had prepared for us all to discuss his vols 1 & 2 of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold War, after which we got him on the telephone to ask him a few questions regarding Ferrie, CAP, Oswald etc.

Then we had a quick lunch thanks to a delivery of M&S and after that Malcolm Blunt and I sat down for an hour’s long Q&A. To me this was the highlight of the weekend to be confronted with such a wealth of knowledge.

Bill Beadle followed with his talk of presidential assassinations, barely a word about JFK, but no less interesting. Without visuals a bit hard to stay focused on the info being thrown at you but a very good talk nevertheless. Jean Shields ended the seminar with her talk about Friends and Family, a subject that proved to be a welcome distraction.

Overall a really impressive line -up and above all a very amicable atmosphere among attendees and such a ton of information made available regarding this case. I cannot wait for next year’s because I am definitely there!

Thanks to Stuart Galloway who did an amazing job in setting all this up!


This coming weekend, as mentioned before I will be giving a talk at the Dealey Plaza UK conference in Canterbury, and the next day I will moderate a Q&A with Malcolm Blunt.

I have worked on the software that I used for the movie and there will be more sources to show for the fakery of the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter.

It is my intention to show more media on Lovelady, Shelley, Molina, the 4th floor ladies, the 5th floor African Americans and Roy Truly.

And the interrogations of Oswald and the main players involved with that , this will be discussed in more detail.

The Camera section will be more concise, but one cool revelation is to be added about the history of the discovery of Prayer Man. This has not been shared publicly yet.

Finally the search for the images gets a bit of an update.

I am partly going to use this talk to see where to improve before I start making new movie clips which I hope to make a beginning with in May and release these over this Summer they shall be released in approx. 25 minute segments.

In the mean time I am looking forward to two days of JFK nattering and downing a few jars! I shall be reporting about this event next week. I also hope to publish the talk with Malcolm Blunt as well.