2018August 2018 update
This is going to be fairly quiet month publishing wise, as I am very busy working on the new DPUK website. We have a meet on the 11th where it will be shown and discussed, and at that meet we also have William Matson Law talking to us over Skype. The official release of the website will be either end of Sept or early Oct.
Then there is a Dealey Plaza UK one day seminar on Sept 29th in York where I will do a Prayer Man talk for an hour and I will need to prep for that, the presentation will be videoed and shown on YouTube shortly after that. Since I have not spoken publicly about Prayer Man for more than two years it is safe to say that we have a few things to talk about.
A full program will be published in the next week or so.
The Anatomy Of Oswald’s Interrogations paper will be published just before that. I got 130 odd pages of new material and I have decided to change things drastically. Meaning the whole thing (at that time consisting of 435 pages) was torn up and re-assembled, but in this case it will be presented in a time line fashion instead. This benefits the paper a lot, as I was of the opinion that it became very cluttered. You will see for yourself in about one month. The info taken out will be on each law enforcement officer’s web page on this site. I have made a start with the D.P.D. which has not been finished yet and the other agencies are to follow. Plenty to do.
There are some other important bits going, but I am going to keep the lid on this for a while. From Sept. onwards there will be some interesting stories to share.