Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Buell Wesley Frazier

Buell Wesley Frazier’s polygraph

There are quite a few things from the JFK Assassination that have gone missing; many original films, photographs and negatives have disappeared. So have documents which were held for decades under lock and key (like the 50 odd interviews of Oswald’s Marine Core buddies). And of course documents held by the law enforcement agencies. Buell Wesley Frazier’s polygraph is obviously one of them.

While talking with Rob Clark of the Lone Gunman Podcast he pointed me to the polygraph documents of Buell Wesley Frazier at NARA. I paid $40.00 to have the files scanned and sent to me hoping to see the polygraph of Buell Wesley Frazier, instead I got hold of the documentation detailing the search and requests for the actual polygraph and where everyone contacted passed the buck. And then the paper bag Oswald was supposed to have brought alongside with him makes an entry, which I don’t care much about.

Bit of a waste of money and time really, not the first time and surely not the last.


2nd floor lunchroom encounter talk

This coming Saturday I am giving an informal talk at the Dealey Plaza UK meeting. It will be about the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter that never was.

Venue The Flying Horse in London. 52 Wilson St, London EC2A 2ER

Start at about 13:30

In about a week the update to my essay will be published as well, an additional 30 pages/8,000 words extra stuff.


More Jim Murray inside the DPD

Found another batch with some interesting shots taken by Jim Murray. We see Captain George Max Doughty with Oswald’s finger prints, also Buell Wesley Frazier captured from behind while moving through the corridor and we see Jesse Curry of course.  I like the shot with Oswald pleading his innocence to the press core while Elmer Boyd looks into Murray’s lens. I have to say that Murray had a real good sense where to be to get the shots.

I have more, but it looks like I am heading to busy times, so will have to find a slot to do some, whenever that may be. But for now enjoy this set and the previous ones.



Previous sets


Jim Murray The Knoll Photos

More Jim Murray aftermath photos


More HSCA documents scanned in at NARA by ROKC.

Buell Frazier

Peggy Joyce Hawkins

Peggy Joyce Bibbler – Hawkins

Peggy Joyce Hawkins (maiden name Bibbler) met her husband at the TSBD along with her child, she stood roughly 50 feet away from the Texas School Book Depository when the shots rang out and she hid behind the retaining wall. After realising no more shots were being fired and  returning to the TSBD she saw a policeman stand there, and heard some remarks about the railroad yard through the police radio.

Truly and Baker, leg sticking out behind tall fella. Click pic. to enlarge.

The Darnell film only shows Baker’s run, it does not show him going up the steps, it has been automatically assumed he dashed up the stairs before Roy Truly could catch up with him. The story of them going up the stairs together has always been met with disbelief. You can see Truly in the Darnell film slowly turning and making his way towards the front steps, but at a slow speed compared to Baker. Then again the steps were pretty filled up with employees, some had left but others were returning and the whole east side of the steps was filled with mostly women looking out and discussing what had happened and Joe Molina stood at the very top. Buell Wesley Frazier stood dead centre.

But Peggy Joyce Hawkins. statement puts some doubt into this. This you can see at the bottom of page 1 of her FBI statement. She walked back to the TSBD and saw a motorcycle police officer in front of the building. Now unless some other motorcycle police officer went there it could be assumed that Marrion L. Baker stood longer outside than has been assumed.

The radio transmission she speaks of is Jesse Curry’s who said this while the cars were passing the triple underpass.

At 12:30 Have my office move all available men out of my office into the railroad yard to try to determine what happened in there and hold everything secure until Homicide and other investigators should get there.

She also made her way back into the building, and this is confirmed by the so called roll call sheet. This roll call sheet itself isn’t much from an evidentiary p.o.v., as Geraldine Reid is mentioned twice, Charles Douglas Givens is missing and Lee Oswald is right at the top (which points more to his name being taken down from the word go than him being the missing person!).

What doesn’t help is the second page of her FBI statement that she doesn’t remember who she encountered while making her way back. And let’s face it, this is a black hole overall with most statements from that day.

But then there is Robert Mac Neil, a journalist, who was part of the motorcade and who went into the TSBD to make a phone call. This call being logged at 12:36 and him stating that he did not see any police inside the building while making the call, and this has a ring of truth to it, since his head office reported the time, but also looking at the radio transmissions and the prders of going to the TSBD and investigate further.

At 12:34 I just talked to a guy up here who was standing close to it and the best he could tell it came from the Texas School Book Depository Building here with that Hertz Renting sign on top.

At 12:36 Witness says shots came from fifth floor, Texas Book Depository Store and Houston and Elm. I have him with me now and we are sealing off the building.

At 12:37 Get some men up here to cover this school depository building. It’s believed the shot came from, as you see it on Elm Street, it would be upper right hand corner, second window from the end.


Peggy Joyce Hawkins-1

Peggy Joyce Hawkins-2

Peggy Joyce Bibbler - Hawkins Roll Call

Robert Mac Neil FBI Statement


I am now pretty convinced Baker and Truly stood outside, this witness testimony in conjunction with Chris Davidson’s gif which shows Baker veering further to the right than the actual steps.



Add on Jan 30th

This might be Peggy Bibbler Hawkins standing and holding her child. If this is her then she had an excellent vantage point to hear the motorcycle belonging to Marrion Baker and look towards the front entrance of the Texas School Book Depository.


Peggy Bibbler Hawkins

Click picture to enlarge.


Buell Wesley Frazier Part 1

Buell Wesley Frazier, has always been a major person of interest in this case, he allegedly took Lee Harvey Oswald to work that day and let him go with his ‘package’ inside the TSBD. A package not seen by Jack Dougherty when Oswald entered the building.

Charles Douglas Givens asked Buell Wesley Frazier where his rider was when he walked inside the TSBD and I am not going into depth about all that as it is widely discussed at ROKC HERE

Buell Wesley Frazier has been one of the few Texas School Book Depository employees who is alive and still talks about that day in 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas. In the last few years he has been more talkative than the years before when he would only go to the 6th Floor Museum or participate in a documentary doing his run one more time in an old car reenacting the ride he had with Lee Oswald that morning.

Buell Wesley Frazier was in for rough treatment from the DPD later that day after he was picked up from the hospital while visiting a sick relative and just before he was about to be arriving at home he was hauled back in. We know that Captain Will Fritz wanted him to sign a confession in being an accomplice, which he refused after Fritz raised his hand to strike at him, why this did not happen is a bit of an enigma and perhaps the Lancer 2015 Conference can give some more answers in Jan. 2016 when the transcirpt and video becomes available.

Here are 4 shots from the Richard E Sprague archive ROKC managed to scan in at NARA

Pic. credit Jim Murray

Larry Hancock made a blogpost about Buell Wesley Frazier’s appearance there, at Lancer. In the comment section at the bottom and I quote “Frazier says that he went out on the steps and was intent on looking out and down, he can identify folks in front of him such as Lovelady but he does not recall ever turning around and looking to his side or behind him so he has no direct recollection of anyone at all standing where PM appears to be located. He can’t make any identification from the photo…which is no big surprise. He also has no idea of whether that person had been there for a time or might have come out when everyone else was on the steps. I did get the impression that the steps filled up with people from the building and that it was unlikely any outsider had pushed through to the top of the steps so whoever it was somebody from inside the building.”

I find this whole scenario hard to swallow, especially when the still grab from the Jimmy Darnell film clearly shows he is looking and possibly interacting with Prayer Man, hell Prayer Man is even looking back. There is no need to deny this,the shot says so.

Prayer Man in Jimmy Darnell film

pm stan dane


Enter Greg Burnham, someone who forbids any discussion of Prayer Man at his forum, but has bought the ad words for it to get top ranking in Google (go figure).

He posts at the Education Forum: “David Mantik told me a few days ago that at this year’s Lancer Conference Buell Wesley Frazier denied that Oswald was anywhere near the front of the TSBD, on the steps, or was Doorman. Frazier is an eyewitness who was there, who knew Oswald, and was in a position to know if LHO was there or not. Frazier was unequivocal about it.” Again this has hardly any bearing whatsoever, why would Frazier admit to it, as that would mean that the jig was up if he admitted to it there and then. Plus why these two all of the sudden put their snouts in the Prayer Man through is questionable as well. Surely trying to grab the glory for the discovery of it all, since I cannot think otherwise as this part of the case has hardly had a mention or one iota of research by them these past few years in any way.

Prayer Man The Movie Release


Here it is, finally :) Go full screen for a maximum visual experience, as it is upped at 1080 pixels.



Who Was Prayer Man Podcast

Rob Clark did a podcast about a year ago on Prayer Man,  click to listen.

Prayer Man-Darnell-BK

Listening to it, and considering it is a year old it is missing a few bits of research. I will try and straighten a few things out if you intend to listen to it.

Prayer Man was captured by Dave Weigman and Jimmy Darnell, and not by Malcolm Couch, his swerve to the right with his camera did not go as far as the TSBD steps, but the Couch film is an asset nevertheless as it shows William Hoyt Shelley and Billy Nolan Lovelady walking away towards the parking lot behind the knoll. This is an important fact to know as it helps reduce the possible candidates of who Prayer Man actually is.

lovelady and shelly in couch-BK-

Sean Murphy deserves the large part of the credit of creating Prayer Man, but the exact moment of discovery at this time, is hard to ascertain, that is because the JFK Lancer forum where this possibly happened has gone offline, the Education Forum hopes to reinstate it later, Summer 2016, so they say. It was supposed to be sorted in November this year but they have added at least 6 months on top of it.

The real discoverer of Prayer Man is Richard E Sprague (more about him when my essay is out) who mentioned the man hidden in the shadows, when he saw Dave  Weigman’s film. He mentioned it in the late 60’s already. His correspondence with Harold Weisberg and Richard Benarbei shows this.

Rob Clark makes good mention of the basic issues such as the first day affidavits of Baker, Lovelady and Shelly which do not correspond with the Warren Commission testimony.

He then talks about Bill Shelley, and the identification of him and the pictures that are around. This is where he is wrong. His identity has  been solved with the many pictures and the statements that are available of him. Shelly also said he escorted and was at the police station giving statements with Danny Garcia Arce and Bonnie Ray Williams.

Then he makes the statement that he cannot see Billy Lovelady in Dave Weigman’s film, well here he is Rob :) And that is and Prayer Man and Billy Nolan Lovelady together.

Lovelady in Weigman


Regarding Will Fritz’s interrogation notes it is not that simple, one needs to add James Bookhout’s and Harry D Holmes reports and testimony into account as well, and a different picture starts to emerge (again this site will show the hows etc in due course).

Jack Dougherty is brought up as well, and rightly so, to this day a very shady character with not much info available about him. His statements were so iffy, and Roy Truly told everyone not to pay too much attention to him as he was mildly retarded, yeah sure Roy. The Warren Commission wanted to grill Jack Dougherty big time as they did not believe what he was saying, well if the W.C. wants to seriously question someone then something is really amiss……

Rob Clark brings up a valid point that all TSBD employees should have been photographed when their testimony was taken, it would have helped of course.

Then Rob cannot believe that Oswald was standing there all that time while the shooting was going on and after and not being seen or recognised or mentioned in any of the testimony. He makes a mention of Lee Harvey Oswald getting change on the 2nd floor as per Robert Groden’s story, which has been disproved the minute it came out in his book. Jim Marrs tried to flog this one as well, but there is no evidence whatsoever that this actually happened. Nor did Oswald ever make a mention of it.

Can Buell Wesley Frazier be believed asks Rob, well no……

Rob is right to doubt the bus ride, the cab ride and the timings involved since they are not possible.

Could it be a stranger he asks, which has been disproved. Nor does it hold 100 employees, 79 at the most. The Warren Commission got 73 statements in the end.

The identification of the African American guy en-profile is not Otis Williams but Carl Edward Jones. Otis Williams and his pot belly stands in the center above Maddie Reese in Altgens 6.

HSCA enlargement w names

Overall not a bad attempt at discussing this but there is a lot missing, and I mean a lot, and as mentioned I will paste it all here on this site hopefully very soon.