Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Buell Wesley Frazier

Prayer Man essay update

I have been roaming at forums a little too much but I managed to get quite a bit of work done.

The essay, as it stands, is 430 pages (of which a lot are docs and pix) and I reckon it will grow by another 30 odd, it’s the linking and making the puzzle understandable that is the most work.

I hope to release it end of Oct. or early Nov. then again there are a few gaps which I hope to fill, so a delay is not of the books either, will update as soon as I have something more concrete to say…..

Prayer Man EBook

No stranger on the front steps or inside the TSBD

I amended the graphics as I wanted to know how many of the TSBD employees stated whether they had seen any strangers inside or on the front steps of the TSBD. That strengthens  Prayer Man is a TSBD employee only more.

The graphics speak for themselves, the stranger on the steps scenario is dead in the water.


Update Sept 6th. I have added Roy Truly now as well stating he saw no strangers.

Update Sept 10th, also Avery Davis saw no strangers either which completes the entire list of people present on the front steps.