2015Buell Wesley Frazier Part 1
Buell Wesley Frazier, has always been a major person of interest in this case, he allegedly took Lee Harvey Oswald to work that day and let him go with his ‘package’ inside the TSBD. A package not seen by Jack Dougherty when Oswald entered the building.
Charles Douglas Givens asked Buell Wesley Frazier where his rider was when he walked inside the TSBD and I am not going into depth about all that as it is widely discussed at ROKC HERE
Buell Wesley Frazier has been one of the few Texas School Book Depository employees who is alive and still talks about that day in 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas. In the last few years he has been more talkative than the years before when he would only go to the 6th Floor Museum or participate in a documentary doing his run one more time in an old car reenacting the ride he had with Lee Oswald that morning.
Buell Wesley Frazier was in for rough treatment from the DPD later that day after he was picked up from the hospital while visiting a sick relative and just before he was about to be arriving at home he was hauled back in. We know that Captain Will Fritz wanted him to sign a confession in being an accomplice, which he refused after Fritz raised his hand to strike at him, why this did not happen is a bit of an enigma and perhaps the Lancer 2015 Conference can give some more answers in Jan. 2016 when the transcirpt and video becomes available.
Here are 4 shots from the Richard E Sprague archive ROKC managed to scan in at NARA
Pic. credit Jim Murray
Larry Hancock made a blogpost about Buell Wesley Frazier’s appearance there, at Lancer. In the comment section at the bottom and I quote “Frazier says that he went out on the steps and was intent on looking out and down, he can identify folks in front of him such as Lovelady but he does not recall ever turning around and looking to his side or behind him so he has no direct recollection of anyone at all standing where PM appears to be located. He can’t make any identification from the photo…which is no big surprise. He also has no idea of whether that person had been there for a time or might have come out when everyone else was on the steps. I did get the impression that the steps filled up with people from the building and that it was unlikely any outsider had pushed through to the top of the steps so whoever it was somebody from inside the building.”
I find this whole scenario hard to swallow, especially when the still grab from the Jimmy Darnell film clearly shows he is looking and possibly interacting with Prayer Man, hell Prayer Man is even looking back. There is no need to deny this,the shot says so.
Enter Greg Burnham, someone who forbids any discussion of Prayer Man at his forum, but has bought the ad words for it to get top ranking in Google (go figure).
He posts at the Education Forum: “David Mantik told me a few days ago that at this year’s Lancer Conference Buell Wesley Frazier denied that Oswald was anywhere near the front of the TSBD, on the steps, or was Doorman. Frazier is an eyewitness who was there, who knew Oswald, and was in a position to know if LHO was there or not. Frazier was unequivocal about it.” Again this has hardly any bearing whatsoever, why would Frazier admit to it, as that would mean that the jig was up if he admitted to it there and then. Plus why these two all of the sudden put their snouts in the Prayer Man through is questionable as well. Surely trying to grab the glory for the discovery of it all, since I cannot think otherwise as this part of the case has hardly had a mention or one iota of research by them these past few years in any way.