2015The Death of Prayer Woman
The Death of Prayer Woman
It has been an interesting week during the break during the X-Mas and New Years period, but for us ROKCers this last week we made some cool discoveries and achieve a thing or two yay!
I shall begin with the most important one and that is the complete and utter destruction of the phenomena called Prayer Woman, something created by Duncan MacRae of the JFKAssassination forum in September 2015. This was done at the time when the stranger scenario as an alternative to anyone else from the TSBD was completely killed off by yours truly and the spread sheets demonstrating this (this was based on Richard Hocking’s and Sean Murphy’s deduction work). This stranger scenario was completely debunked by the testimonies of almost all of the TSBD employees such as in CE 1381.
Duncan MacRae hails from Glasgow Scotland and has an interest in the photographic evidence, so he says. His knowledge of the technical side of photography is practically non existent and he relies on a few friends (such as Craig Lamson from Ft. Wayne in Indiana) who don’t seem to fare much better or other clowns who hide behind fugezi names, such as John Mytton (this person has been dead for 200 years already). I find people who hide behind fictitious names total cowards and above all I will not listen to one word they say as everything they do say is suspect from the word get go. This goes especially for the next individual.
Albert Doyle, in JFK Research, he is probably one of the most manipulative zealots that is gracing this club. He uses his dead father’s name. How do I and my fellow ROKCers know this? That is because several of us have looked into this and so has Tom Scully. This member has been accused of being a CIA plant at the Deep Politics Form in 2012 and got others banned where it should have been him who should have been shown the door. Since then this individual has mostly posted vile and utter garbage messages on various forums relating to the JFK Assassination.
Albert Doyle has been confronted with this BS and he keeps quiet when this is happening. Our suspicion is that it is his son Brian Doyle (wonder what his brothers and sisters Stephen Doyle, Patricia Doyle, Christine Doyle and Theresa Doyle think of this?). There are three accounts at Amazon handled by this ‘person’. One is his dead dad, the other under the name Brain Doyle and the third by the name Ralph Yates (a character from the JFK Assassination-era) . Three accounts all by one person, think of this what you will….
His review at Amazon on Stan Dane’s book reads as follows (bear in mind Amazon does not allow links to outside sources so they are not included).
The Reopen The Kennedy Case (ROKC) website is behind this book as Stan Dane and Greg Parker are regular organizing members. A month ago Assassination researcher Duncan MacRae posted a blow-up of the film frame image of Prayer Man taken by WBAP camera-man James Darnell. The blow-up image clearly shows the long dark hair and arm posture of a woman, therefore refuting the thesis of this book that Prayer Man is Lee Harvey Oswald. But even better the MacRae blow-up clearly shows 4 buttons (or fasteners) on the garment worn by Prayer Man, the bottom-most of which is too low to be on any clothing worn by Oswald. This is clear proof that the coat or dress being worn by Prayer Man could not possibly match the known clothing worn by Oswald that day.
If you look at the link below you’ll see MacRae’s blown-up image of Prayer Man in the portal of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza taken seconds after president Kennedy was shot. MacRae has drawn arrows pointing to the buttons, or possible loop or cloth fasteners, that are clearly visible in the blow-up. There’s no doubt that these are coat or dress buttons or fasteners because they appear exactly where they should be if so. So anyone credibly researching this claim would need to answer for them and how they affect the evidence. If you scan this review section or the internet in general those who subscribe to the Oswald as Prayer Man theory refuse to even address this conclusive evidence. They stay away from it like the Wicked Witch Of The West avoids water. They even falsely claim the buttons are an artifact of computer enlargement, however they can’t substantiate that once forced into the technical detail involved with such a claim. Their claim that the buttons are pixel quirks caused by the film grain being too small for enlargement actually works against them once you credibly analyze it. They can’t explain how there would be 4 buttons right where they should be?
The buttons or fasteners are prime evidence that Oswald cannot be Prayer Man because the lowest of the buttons is too low to match Oswald’s known clothing that day. The ROKC Prayer Man advocates have been conspicuously, self-destructively, and uncredibly unable to answer this. Instead they run from it and try to ignore it. In doing so they forfeit the credibility of their entire website.
Here is MacRae’s blow-up of Prayer Man. The buttons or fasteners are plainly visible and therefore require credible scientific explanation. So far ROKC hasn’t been able to give any:
You would think Albert “Dead Man Walking” Doyle has some sort of expertise under his belt, but unless it is trolling he has no qualifications when it comes to any type of photography, he doesn’t even know how to post an image on a forum……..I kid you not. And he is being lambasted for it by a group of deniers. I shall spare you all the details as it is page after page at a certain forum.
The funniest thing is that Doyle-MacRae-Lamson do not have much in common. Doyle is a conspiracy theorist whereas the other two are of the opposite opinion (Oswald did it), it makes an amusing read especially when one has to consider that MacRae is just winding Doyle up.
I shall attach some of the pix which are still grabs from the three youtube films Duncan MacRae has plastered on the web and a gif all regarding the fugezi called Prayer Woman.
MacRae does not supply any supporting evidence for his assertion(s) besides a set of squares and arrows that supposedly show a purse, a black plastic shopping bag and more importantly a set of buttons of a large overcoat.
The coloring in image two is a leftover after messing with brightness, contrast and possibly sharpening. Nor do I have an explanation for the blackening of the area to the right of Prayer Man (the window behind him), perhaps Duncan MacRae does……..what I do know is that it has been added and is not a result of lowering the density. Compare that image with any of the others in that section and you will realise that what happened to the glass behind Prayer Man simply isn’t right.
The Jimmy Darnell Film
Let me explain why Duncan MacRae, Albert Doyle and Craig Lamson are just way way off. Below you see a screen grab of the Darnell film (shot on 16mm film originally), this is how big the actual image is in digital format from a DVD , and it also shows you how big Prayer Man actually is inside this pic. This screen grab is from the Beyond JFK: The Question Of Conspiracy DVD that came with JFK The Movie. So for starters what generational copy are we talking about here?
The original Darnell film is gone (it went with the Wiegman film to NBC in NY and has never been seen since), we know that the 6th Floor Museum has a 1st generation copy so let’s assume it is this copy that the producers used. So this 1st generation copy was duplicated and then of course duplicated for the DVD of which we have a still grab, but it is saved in a compressed format as a jpeg.
It could be even worse from a quality p.o.v. with this grab, and we think this is actually the case. We think that it is a copy from video tape and not the 1st generation copy film itself. This would make the end result even less crisp and more fuzzier and could import artifacts such as the ones shown in the still image above, which are hard to see but which I shall enlarge, adjust its levels and show below. The image is littered with dots and streaks.
There are a few enlarging techniques that can be used. I don’t know what was used for the image posted by Sean Murphy.
One is to increase is its actual size, another is to increase its dpi (dots per inch) and within these two a few elements can be (un)ticked such as scale styles, constrain proportion and resample image.
Then there is also which way to resample the image and from that there is an array to choose from:
Preserve Details (enlargement)
Bicubic Smoother (enlargement)
Bicubic Sharper (reduction)
A good method for reducing the size of an image based on Bicubic interpolation with enhanced sharpening. This method maintains the detail in a resampled image. If Bicubic Sharper oversharpens some areas of an image, try using Bicubic.
Bicubic (smoother gradients)
A slower but more precise method based on an examination of the values of surrounding pixels. Using more complex calculations, Bicubic produces smoother tonal gradations than Nearest Neighbour or Bilinear.
Nearest Neighbor (hard edges)
A fast but less precise method that replicates the pixels in an image. This method preserves hard edges and produces a smaller file in illustrations containing edges that are not anti-aliased. However, this method can produce jagged effects, which become apparent when you distort or scale an image or perform multiple manipulations on a selection.
A method that adds pixels by averaging the color values of surrounding pixels. It produces medium-quality results.
I myself have not played around a lot with the image when it comes to enlarging it, I am of the opinion that a larger scan needs to become available first, even though the image we have shows a lot of detail and we have discovered a lot of people who are in this shot, a better image is still needed to make it the icing on the cake. The only way to enlarge the image I have done is by using Bicubic Smoother, which is overall used to enlarge images.
Increasing its size will increase its exposure of digital artifacts, something Albert “Dead Man Walking” Doyle and Duncan MacRae fail to understand.
The image below is an image that Sean Murphy posted, and as you can see this image has already been enlarged and enhanced it displays some of the artifacts already. The purpose of Sean Murphy posting these two photos next to each other was to point out the similarities when it comes to features between Prayer Man and lee Harvey Oswald.
Duncan MacRae uses this image and manipulates it to such an extend with additional brightness/contrast/sharpening adjustments to point out that he is a she and that she is wearing a large overcoat, holds a purse and a back plastic bag. You can check out all this conjecture out in the slideshow above with the still grabs of his videos.
Ok so let’s start rebutting this utter rubbish. The enhancement that has been applied is visible in the entire image and not just in the close-up, something that Albert Doyle, Duncan MacRae and Craig Lamson steadfastly ignore and/or keep quiet about. The photo below shows the so called buttons which are attributed to fantasise about Prayer Woman’s overcoat are visible in all the parts of the picture below in the grey squares, the streaks and buttons most likely come from the transfer from video tape to digital capture and enhancement. If you take the original image of Darnell above and crank up its size then you can see the artifacts already. The buttons story was dead the day it was ‘invented’. This is something Craig Lamson could have pointed out yonks ago and stop the discussion of this drivel there and then. But the local ‘expert’ kept schtumm instead.
The bags and the purse are as easy to refute and this is mainly because Duncan MacRae’s sloppy observational work.
The plastic shopping bag is actually human hair. The red circled person was discovered two years ago due to her foot sticking out, but the head part was always fuzzy, and only a few weeks ago when Mick Purdy sharpened the Darnell image his way did the distinction become clearer, and that she had quite a big hairdo. So that kills the black shopping bag besides the button theory as well.
Finally the purse. Besides a quick drawing around a suspected area Duncan MacRae offers nothing else in support of the purse theory either (a pattern has started to emerge…..).
In the Dave Wiegman film Prayer Man is holding an object that seems to reflect considerably. In the shots below you will see he holds it either in front of his mouth or holds it in front of his chest. Now as a photographer who has worked in advertising and shooting stills many years ago only a few objects can create such a reflection, one would be a shiny metal object. The other glass. Now let’s also bear in mind where Prayer Man is standing: in the shadow. The object he is holding is in front of him and may just catch a ray or two on the edge of that particular shadow.
Check out the 2 fuzzy images below.
Here is a drastic enlargement I managed to make from a scan we obtained from NARA in Nov. 2015
Now then what purse would make such a reflection? That better be some huge diamond on there. And let me just emphasise, even with the quality of the image above, Prayer Man is anything but feminine.
A more plausible scenario would be that Prayer Man is drinking from a bottle, and this could be partially backed with the Wiegman images and the ones that were taken after the Dallas Police Department had secured their so called ‘crime scene’ being The Texas School Book Depository. Important element to add is that the bottle was there for quite some time, since it is still there when female TSBD employees are captured leaving and so is Captain Will Fritz
Check the gallery (all pix by William Allen) below.
- When asked for the actual files Duncan MacRae of the JFKAssassinationForum used, he refused to hand them over, later on claiming they were deleted.
- When asked after that reply to redo his movements with the images he refused to do so as well. . He did invite us to go to his forum, when he actually put his claim of Prayer woman and her buttons and bag actually at the Education Forum so the point of us going there is?
- The invite made no logical sense to debate Craig Lamson over there since he is a member at EF and could have jumped in that thread at any time, but they would have liked us to go there only to be entrapped by half a dozen deniers.
- Craig Lamson produced an image for us to check the EXIF data on but it had absolutely nothing to do with the Darnell images, it was a close-up of a plane.
- When he asked me whether I would be willing to hand over my images to say Michael Cross I offered them up without hesitation. Michael Cross had nothing to do with ROKC and from a photography p.o.v. challenged D.M. way before I did. Michael is now a member at ROKC btw.
Avoidance is meaningful.
When someone avoids a question, it’s because they are hiding something. When you avoid providing files, it’s because you are hiding them and do not want to admit it.
When the slightest mention of what it means if PM is a man is avoided, then it is because the consequences of it are being avoided also. It plays to the PW ploy to argue over PW images because none of the naysayers wish to entertain one word of what a male gender PM proves, and that is that he is Lee Oswald. That is not just from looking at a fuzzy picture but also from the barrage of evidence that is there from his interrogations and the fugezi regarding the 2nd floor lunch room encounter. All explained in my movie Only The Shadow Knows – Prayer Man, More Than Just a Fuzzy Picture. (the hint is in the title….in case you did not twig it)
So let’s set aside the truth of what the gender really is for a moment, the proof consequence of even the hypothetical male gender is nearly as toxic as is actual proof of male gender. Keep that cat inside the bag and the bag inside the box.
Because of their avoidance of a discussion of the meaning of PM’s gender, the unassailability of the logic of identification by process of elimination is confirmed as is the completeness and integrity of the analysis in this case.
By virtue of their own avoidance, they are freely admitting that Prayer Man is proved to be Oswald if Prayer Man is male. I simply refer to my spread sheets based on Sean Murphy’s and Richard Hocking’s work. It’s evident also that this Prayer Woman fiasco was started after the stranger scenario was killed off by my spreadsheets and bringing up CE1310.
Not one detail of it has been disputed except to debate the gender of PM, and that wasn’t even inside the matrix inside the box, Oswald was.
Now as to the pictures used in the movies you posted on YouTube, as Ed Ledoux has clearly shown that Duncan MacRae did alter the images, the enormous increase in contrast and density is a prime example but also the paint job he did ever so crudely on the window behind Prayer Man.
Then the method of alteration, it proves absolutely nothing at all. The method cannot be verified, which means he has entered badgeman-land and it is merely an opinion nothing more than that and furthermore if I may add it defies common sense.
Barely anyone else (and the ones that do have shown their true colors) can see in the image what you pretend is there and only with the assistance of arrows, outlines and inserted text to push people over the edge to believe this charade.
What almost everyone seems to forget is the fact that the photograph from the Darnell film is the icing on the cake, it is NOT the irrefutable proof that Oswald is standing outside with Shelley (as he said during his interrogation) and later with Buell Wesley Frazier as has come to light with the documentation that is available and the newspaper reports published that day and the next two days after.
I think it is safe to say that Duncan MacRae’s Prayer Woman theory (!!!) died a death, and there is no need to discuss this fugezi any further.
Albert Doyle take some notes in between trolling and learn to understand the basics of photography.
Craig Lamson show some backbone you spineless wanker. Really your behavior is way below par.
Add on March 28th 2016:
Duncan MacRae has more or less pulled away from all this, and by his own admittance claimed it was a wind up, but Albert Doyle has lied his way continuously ever since my last writings. Shifted his musings to wherever he could, to avoid having to supply direct answers asked by others and he himself completely failed to produce one iota of evidence himself. In 2012 he was accused by others of being a CIA plant, why doesn’t this sound stupid at all…………..
Linda Giovanna Zambanini has made some startling discoveries while looking at some of the Jim Murray photos I published a month or so ago, this particular shot has Maddie Reese and the lady in black who can be seen in Altgens 6, Wiegman and Darnell. It looks, from the paperwork that this is Ruth Dean, although it also could be Sarah Stanton. But I need to see a picture of Sarah Stanton before I lean either way. For now I stick with Ruth Dean, which makes the search for Sarah Stanton just more interesting.
Here they are on the right.
Then there is the notification we just got that the Mary Ferrell site has published the best books of 2015. Not only is Greg Parker’s Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold War: Why the Kennedy Assassination should be Reinvestigated – Volumes One & Two in it but so is Stan Dane’s book Prayer Man: Out of the Shadows and into the Light and there is a link to my film mentioned in this segment. Thanks very much Rex Bradford!