Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Otis Williams

Prayer Man The Movie Release


Here it is, finally :) Go full screen for a maximum visual experience, as it is upped at 1080 pixels.



Who Was Prayer Man Podcast

Rob Clark did a podcast about a year ago on Prayer Man,  click to listen.

Prayer Man-Darnell-BK

Listening to it, and considering it is a year old it is missing a few bits of research. I will try and straighten a few things out if you intend to listen to it.

Prayer Man was captured by Dave Weigman and Jimmy Darnell, and not by Malcolm Couch, his swerve to the right with his camera did not go as far as the TSBD steps, but the Couch film is an asset nevertheless as it shows William Hoyt Shelley and Billy Nolan Lovelady walking away towards the parking lot behind the knoll. This is an important fact to know as it helps reduce the possible candidates of who Prayer Man actually is.

lovelady and shelly in couch-BK-

Sean Murphy deserves the large part of the credit of creating Prayer Man, but the exact moment of discovery at this time, is hard to ascertain, that is because the JFK Lancer forum where this possibly happened has gone offline, the Education Forum hopes to reinstate it later, Summer 2016, so they say. It was supposed to be sorted in November this year but they have added at least 6 months on top of it.

The real discoverer of Prayer Man is Richard E Sprague (more about him when my essay is out) who mentioned the man hidden in the shadows, when he saw Dave  Weigman’s film. He mentioned it in the late 60’s already. His correspondence with Harold Weisberg and Richard Benarbei shows this.

Rob Clark makes good mention of the basic issues such as the first day affidavits of Baker, Lovelady and Shelly which do not correspond with the Warren Commission testimony.

He then talks about Bill Shelley, and the identification of him and the pictures that are around. This is where he is wrong. His identity has  been solved with the many pictures and the statements that are available of him. Shelly also said he escorted and was at the police station giving statements with Danny Garcia Arce and Bonnie Ray Williams.

Then he makes the statement that he cannot see Billy Lovelady in Dave Weigman’s film, well here he is Rob :) And that is and Prayer Man and Billy Nolan Lovelady together.

Lovelady in Weigman


Regarding Will Fritz’s interrogation notes it is not that simple, one needs to add James Bookhout’s and Harry D Holmes reports and testimony into account as well, and a different picture starts to emerge (again this site will show the hows etc in due course).

Jack Dougherty is brought up as well, and rightly so, to this day a very shady character with not much info available about him. His statements were so iffy, and Roy Truly told everyone not to pay too much attention to him as he was mildly retarded, yeah sure Roy. The Warren Commission wanted to grill Jack Dougherty big time as they did not believe what he was saying, well if the W.C. wants to seriously question someone then something is really amiss……

Rob Clark brings up a valid point that all TSBD employees should have been photographed when their testimony was taken, it would have helped of course.

Then Rob cannot believe that Oswald was standing there all that time while the shooting was going on and after and not being seen or recognised or mentioned in any of the testimony. He makes a mention of Lee Harvey Oswald getting change on the 2nd floor as per Robert Groden’s story, which has been disproved the minute it came out in his book. Jim Marrs tried to flog this one as well, but there is no evidence whatsoever that this actually happened. Nor did Oswald ever make a mention of it.

Can Buell Wesley Frazier be believed asks Rob, well no……

Rob is right to doubt the bus ride, the cab ride and the timings involved since they are not possible.

Could it be a stranger he asks, which has been disproved. Nor does it hold 100 employees, 79 at the most. The Warren Commission got 73 statements in the end.

The identification of the African American guy en-profile is not Otis Williams but Carl Edward Jones. Otis Williams and his pot belly stands in the center above Maddie Reese in Altgens 6.

HSCA enlargement w names

Overall not a bad attempt at discussing this but there is a lot missing, and I mean a lot, and as mentioned I will paste it all here on this site hopefully very soon.


No stranger on the front steps or inside the TSBD

I amended the graphics as I wanted to know how many of the TSBD employees stated whether they had seen any strangers inside or on the front steps of the TSBD. That strengthens  Prayer Man is a TSBD employee only more.

The graphics speak for themselves, the stranger on the steps scenario is dead in the water.


Update Sept 6th. I have added Roy Truly now as well stating he saw no strangers.

Update Sept 10th, also Avery Davis saw no strangers either which completes the entire list of people present on the front steps.