
Dealey Plaza UK had one of its meets at The Flying Horse again, and we had a jolly good time beers flowed and the subject was Tippit.

Funny how things go. Joseph McBride’s book Into The Nightmare is the best book on this subject and I read it 3-4 years ago, but what I had forgotten about is that McBride had interviewed Jim Leavelle and what he said is most interesting and naturally I will add these quotes to the 2nd paper Anatomy Of Oswald’s Interrogations. Leavelle is sinking deeper and deeper if you read what is below and in my paper.

When asked by McBride why Oswald was not arraigned for the killing of J.F.K. Leavelle replied:

“Now the thing was, the Captain (Will Fritz, the Head of Homicide, who was running the interrogation of Oswald) asked me if I had enough to make a case on him for the Tippit killing. And I said, ”Oh yeah. I got plenty on that.” I had him identified by about three or four people. And so Cap said, “Well go ahead and make a tight case on him in case we have trouble making this one on the presidential shooting.” “So that was one reason he was arraigned early on the Tippit shooting. But I was thinking that we also arraigned him somewhere down the line on the shooting of the president. But I wouldn’t swear to that offhand.”  (P.235/236).

When asked how his department had reacted to the shooting of the president Leavelle said: “As the old saying goes back then, “it was no different than a South Dallas nigger killin’” When you get right down to it – because it was just another murder inside the city lines of Dallas that we could handle. It was just another murder to me. And I have handled hundreds of ‘em. So it wasn’t no big deal.” (P 240).