2016ROKC at NARA-1
ROKC has managed to get to NARA and get a few boxes shown with HSCA documents of some of the TSBD employees, and we found a few bits of interest. It was surprising to see that certain folders were kept in the CIA classified section. As of now I have no knowledge whether these are to be released next year.
Danny Garcia Arce in his HSCA statement: “Lee Oswald rode down in the elevator with us…..” which contradicts the whole elevator race story. They may have surely had some of these races, but not at that time.
Roy Truly’s and Marrion Baker’s FBI statements from Sept 23rd 1964 were rushed back to Washington, probably to be there to be included with the Warren Report which was printed already and to be handed to LBJ the next day. They wanted to make sure these statements were back in time. The timing of this is nothing short of amazing.