2015Harold Weisberg

Harold Weisberg. Pic courtesy of The Weisberg Archive.
Of all the researchers in the JFK Assassination case I probably regard Harold Weisberg the highest, granted he made some mistakes (doorman being LHO and leaking the first draft of the JFK movie script to a buddy of his at the Washington Post) but for those ‘mistakes’ he made up with his tenacious efforts of digging things up by either going to the National Archives in Wa., or by issuing FOIA or even go to court, together with Jim Lesar.
He found Carolyn Arnold’s (now known as Carolyn A. Johnston) statements. It was also his doing that Earl Golz found and interviewed her in 1978. Carolyn Arnold provided Lee Harvey Oswald an alibi.
Here is a fabulous interview on Barry Earnest’s site The Girl On The Stairs, this interview from 1999 still stands the test of time. His view is realistic and above all he doesn’t get carried away like the many other researchers.
Harold Weisberg’s archive is a treasure trove, not only for the documents he dug up but also all his correspondence, be it to government agencies but also fellow researchers. And then there are the letters where he lets rip on some of these fellow researchers, boy oh boy….
If you want to start digging then Weisberg’s archive is a great place to start, only thing is it may you a little while……don’t say I did not warn you.
His archive has helped me heaps with trying to piece all this together, and if you have a serious interest in this case I suggest you get the Whitewash series for starters. Terrific reads.