Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)
James ‘Ike’ Altgens
Tom Alyea
Mark Bell
Malcolm Couch
James Glen Darnell
Robert Hughes
Jay Skaggs
Tina Towner
Dave Wiegman
John P Adamcik
Marrion L. Baker
Paul Bentley
Elmer Boyd
C.W. Brown
Joe Cody
Elmo T. Cunningham
Jesse Curry
Charles N. Dhority
Stavis Ellis
Will Fritz
L.C. Graves
Marlin G Harling
Gerald Hill
Marvin Johnson
Glenn D. King
Jim Leavelle
George L. Lumpkin
Hank Moore
Jack Revill
Gus Rose
Herbert Sawyer
Richard M. Sims
M.W Stevenson.
Richard Stovall
L. D. Stringfellow
Charles Truman Walker
James Bookhout
Manning Clements
Vincent Drain
James Hosty
Nat Pinkston
U.S. Marshalls
Robert Irvine Nash
Harry Dean Holmes
Secret Service
Dave Grant
Mike Howard
Thomas J Kelley
Charles Kunkel
Winston Lawson
William Patterson
Forrest J. Sorrels
Roger Warner
John J. Abt
Bill Alexander
James K Allen
H.H. Davis
Percy Foreman
David Johnston
Otto B Mullinax
H Louis Nichols
Greg Olds
Grier and Louise Raggio
Henry Wade
Charles W Webster
L.N.D. Wells Jnr
Roger Craig
Bill Decker
Victoria Adams
Carolyn Arnold
Doris Burns
Gloria Calvery
Ochus Virgil Campbell
Edna Case
Avery Davis
Ruth Dean
Patricia Ann Donaldson
Elsie Dorman
Betty Dragoo
Jack Edwin Dougherty
Sandra Sue Elerson
Betty Alice Foster
Buell Wesley Frazier
Danny Garcia Arce
Dorothy Ann Garner
Charles Douglas Givens
Ruth Hendrix
Karan Hicks
Geneva Hine
Marie Hollies
Gloria Jean Holt
Yola Hopson
Stella Mae-Jacob
James ‘Junior’ Jarman
Carl Edward Jones
Dolores Kounas
Roy Edward Lewis
Billy Nolan Lovelady
Judith McCully
Joe Rodriguez Molina
Ruth Nelson
Sharron Nelson
Harold Norman
Lee Harvey Oswald
Eddie Piper
Virgie Rackley
Carol Ann Reed
Martha Reed
Madeleine Reese
Mrs. Robert Reid
Bonnie Richey
Pauline Sanders
Bill Shelley
Edward Shields
Sarah Stanton
Sandra Styles
Roy Truly
Lloyd Raymond Viles
Troy Eugene West
Karen Westbrook
Bonnie Ray Williams
Otis Williams
Steven Wilson
Prayer Man in a nutshell
Prayer Man Photos
Malcolm Blunt
The Book
Chapter 1 – Prayer Man
Chapter 2 – Inside the TSBD
Chapter 3 – The Interrogations
TSBD Exterior
From: Mary Ferrell
From: Mary Ferrell
From: Mary Ferrell
From: Mary Ferrell
From: Mary Ferrell
Credit: Univ. of North Texas
Credit: Univ. of North Texas
Credit: Univ. of North Texas
Credit: Univ. of North Texas
Credit: Univ. of North Texas