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Stan Dane
Posts: 1239

1. Did the delay of the motorcade mess up the plan?

2. Was someone meant to make sure Oswald remained in the building and failed to do so?

3. Was Oswald the original Patsy for pulling the trigger? Is it possible that someone else was originally meant to be the patsy for pulling the trigger and Oswald was to be farmed as a fascilitator? Is there anyone else who might have been meant to be the shooter patsy but somehow did something that messed up that plan?


About a year ago, Greg was asked over at The Education Forum to outline his version of what happened on 11.22.63. This was his response:

The bare bones without going into the evidence.

Oswald was a long-time CIA asset who became the property of the FBI on return from Russia. What got him into "intelligence" was a program that will be revealed in the upcoming volume. This program both took him to the Soviet Union, and was the one used to get him into the TSBD. He was told he would be taking over from William Lowery in watching and informing on Joe Molina. Lowery had "outed" himself (and thus making him useless as an informant) in September.

The real purpose of having him in there was to use as a potential patsy.

There were three plans for assassination. The first at the 12:10 point in the motorcade was aborted for reasons I won't go into here. The second was the one that worked. If that too had been aborted, Molina's wife, who was set to be one of the women serving lunch at the trade mart, would have been given a poisoned steak for JFK. As soon as it became known she was the wife of a known local "subversive", they both would become scapegoats.

The people who planned this had the means, motive and opportunity - as well as all the necessary connections.

The framing of Oswald was based around real events from his past, but modified and brought forward to help incriminate him. It also drew heavily on known historical cases. Someone (and I am sure I know who), had access to information about Oswald's time in Minsk and knew a lot about past communist cases.

You can tear it down now, but I don't know how you'll justify that without knowing what evidence I have to support it all. The evidence will stand up.

He will produce the evidence in Lee Harvey Oswald's Cold War, Volume 3. I look forward to it.


May 24, 2016 at 3:44 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

The framing was left to the cops. They were old hands at it and had gotten lazy because in Dallas, the whole system was rigged. They could have got a 6 year old to matermind the frame in ordinary cases and gotten away with it..Oswald had to die because this could not go to court under the spotlight of world media. The whole thing would fall apart in 2 seconds.  There was no exculpatory evidence they could not overcome or make disappear and no evidence of guilt they couldn't manufacture.

Again I refer readers to Making a Murderer and other Innocence Project cases to see how extraordinarily bad the frames were - yet at the same time, how successful they were....

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

May 24, 2016 at 3:53 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Mick Purdy
Posts: 1403

Alan at May 24, 2016 at 11:14 AM

Hasan Yusuf at May 24, 2016 at 10:54 AM

One thing I would say is if Prayer Man is Oswald (which I strongly believe) then what kind of plot involves the patsy standing 'out front' with Buell, his boss and other collegues all around him in full view of street with a motorcade and loads of cameras flashing.

I think this is where the Tippit murder comes in. I think the reason Oswald was framed by the conspirators for the Tippit murder was to ensure the DPD would nail his balls to the wall, so I don't think it mattered if Oswald was standing out front at the time of the assassination. That's just my opinion.

it still seems an extraodinarily messy method. If prayer man is Oswald (and I am 99% sure it is)  then a hell of a lot of people have been made to lie and a hell of a lot has been left to chance. It just doesnt sense to me. What would make sense if the original plan was simply to show that some incompetant assassin with fake Cuban links had conspired and failed.  The incompetant snipers nest, gun etc does make sense if Oswald was to be portrayed as a weird Commie loner nut. The nest then makes sense and fits the image they later saddled LHO with. It would have made sense if (as would almost certainly have happened if the nest and gun were used) if shots were fired and missed.  However once this nest, that gun, those sights, a poor shot like Oswald etc is used as a Patsy for a SUCCESSFUL assassination then none of it makes sense. 

The scenario that the nest was set up as a pretty plausible failed assassination prop makes a lot more sense to me. However, even that scenario surely couldnt have involved the Patsy being at the door with dozens of cameras flashing as the motorcade came round. That makes me wonder two things:

1. Did the delay of the motorcade mess up the plan?

2. Was someone meant to make sure Oswald remained in the building and failed to do so?

3. Was Oswald the original Patsy for pulling the trigger? Is it possible that someone else was originally meant to be the patsy for pulling the trigger and Oswald was to be farmed as a fascilitator? Is there anyone else who might have been meant to be the shooter patsy but somehow did something that messed up that plan?  

it still seems an extraodinarily messy method. If prayer man is Oswald (and I am 99% sure it is) then a hell of a lot of people have been made to lie and a hell of a lot has been left to chance. It just doesnt sense to me.

Alan on the contrary,

IMO - Nobody had to lie, sure they would remain silent, but no-one had to tell fibs. The pressure applied by the DPD and the FBI saw to it that people would not speak out about anything which didn't fit their version of events. 

I have said in jest before at this forum, that it did not matter where Oswald was - he was going to be framed. In a strange sense even the Doorman Lovelady Altgens 6 drama on the evening of the assassination is evidence of just how they would have been able to eliminate Oswald from the steps at will.

I really don't believe it is as complicated - convoluted - or all encompassing as many would have us believe.

In fact if you read Greg Parkers fine essay on the Reid Interrogation Technique you can see how easy it was for them to frame the Patsy. And you'll also discover how the truth was swept aside and hidden from public view.

"If you torture the statements, affidavits and the evidence long enough,
it will confess to anything you'd like"
May 24, 2016 at 6:09 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 37

OK thank you all for the feedback on my thoughts.  I would like to ask another question linked to this.  Why didnt they just have shooters like the real ones simply do their job and melt away leaving it a mystery? If they had dont that and left it at that then there would be far less for us to pick through now. It seems to me the whole Oswald as a patsy brought in layers of complexity and ultimately grave doubt.  

My feeling is if they simply wanted to kill Kennedy they would have hired in assassins, a few key people would have made sure they could just melt away and that would be it.  So, it seems to me that the plot was not simply to kill Kennedy. Framing Oswald seems to have been more than just a desire for a patsy so the case could be closed.  My strong feeling remains that the manipulating/faking of a Cuban-Soviet link to the assassination was a key objective - certainly killing 2 birds with one stone.  For some reason this was later suppressed during the coverup. My feeling is the military or military intelligence had motive and means.  

Another thing that is intriguing is the evidence of fakery going on to create the Oswald Cuban commie link was underway before he had even returned from Russia. So whatever the motive was, it must date back to then. 

May 25, 2016 at 8:13 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 1915

Jonny Mayer at May 24, 2016 at 3:13 PM

The DPD interrogated several of the people that were there on the steps as this was where they met Oswald.  Molina, Frasier and Lovelady.  They were really paranoid about the steps.

rightly so

Molina was treated like shit by the DPD and the TSBD

Lovelady was re-arrested for an outstanding weapons charge which the Vice President of the building Ochus Campbell paid of

Frazier got hauled in twice that day into the DPD and first they wanted him to sign a confession and Fritz raised his hand when he refused and on the 2nd occasion he was submitted to a polygraph which to this day is nowhere to be found.

Shelley worked directly under Truly, no way was he going to tell the truth either

Oswald the commie, now who would want to be affiliated with him in those days



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May 26, 2016 at 1:25 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 179
Important to note that there at least two (and as many as five) conspiracies at play here. 1. Before the shooting, there was a murder plot to kill Kennedy and direct blame to the communist Cuba. 2. After the shooting, there was a coverup plot to bury any links to communism and direct blame to lone nut Oswald. These two plots had different goals, the murder plot didn't need Oswald pulling the trigger, even if he was filmed standing on the grassy knoll, they still could frame him as a lookout for shooting team. The coverup team appears to have bought the communist Cuba frame job and decided to the lid on any talk of a communist conspiracy so they really needed Oswald as the lone nut with the rifle (or at worst, the accomplice for another nutjob shooter they could plausibily frame). There are possibly other conspiracies as well: 3. Before the shooting, a fake assassination attempt that would direct blame to communist Cuba. 4. After the shooting, yet another coverup plot that didn't buy plot 1's (and, if it actually existed, plot 3) communist Cuba frame job but felt compelled to bury any evidence of it. 5. After the shooting and an ongoing to this day, a plot to bury any evidence of plots 1, 2, 3 & 4. I'm not sure of plot 3 actually happened, though it certainly would fit the Operation Northwoods false flag template (and could easily have been hijacked by plot 1) but the other four appear to be real. What makes it all such a puzzle is that there's some overlap in group membership, both inside and outside the government, so it's hard to tell the deceived and the deceivers apart.

May 26, 2016 at 12:05 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 37

Beowulf at May 26, 2016 at 12:05 PM

Important to note that there at least two (and as many as five) conspiracies at play here. 1. Before the shooting, there was a murder plot to kill Kennedy and direct blame to the communist Cuba. 2. After the shooting, there was a coverup plot to bury any links to communism and direct blame to lone nut Oswald. These two plots had different goals, the murder plot didn't need Oswald pulling the trigger, even if he was filmed standing on the grassy knoll, they still could frame him as a lookout for shooting team. The coverup team appears to have bought the communist Cuba frame job and decided to the lid on any talk of a communist conspiracy so they really needed Oswald as the lone nut with the rifle (or at worst, the accomplice for another nutjob shooter they could plausibily frame). There are possibly other conspiracies as well: 3. Before the shooting, a fake assassination attempt that would direct blame to communist Cuba. 4. After the shooting, yet another coverup plot that didn't buy plot 1's (and, if it actually existed, plot 3) communist Cuba frame job but felt compelled to bury any evidence of it. 5. After the shooting and an ongoing to this day, a plot to bury any evidence of plots 1, 2, 3 & 4. I'm not sure of plot 3 actually happened, though it certainly would fit the Operation Northwoods false flag template (and could easily have been hijacked by plot 1) but the other four appear to be real. What makes it all such a puzzle is that there's some overlap in group membership, both inside and outside the government, so it's hard to tell the deceived and the deceivers apart.

I agree that there was clearly an element working, even before LHO got back to the US, on linking LHO to Cuban commies.  You can see why they would choose to use LHO's identity as he had 'defected' to the USSR. However if this is the case then a couple of questions spring to mind. Why would they start using LHO's ID if you didnt know when or even if LHO would return to the US? 

On return LHO seems to have been posing as pro-castro while also hanging about with anti-Castro people. All I would say is one element at some point really wanted LHO to look like a pro-Castro guy and blend this with his 'defection'. It seems to me that unless the plot to patsy Oswald as a fake pro-Castro fake-commie went back a few years then there must have been a prior purpose for sheepdiping LHO in this way. Was there a plan to get Oswald into Cuba in the period between the Bay of Pigs and the Missile Crisis and after the latter resolved itself this was dropped?  Oswald arrived back in the US a month or two before the first suspicions of Soviet missiles in Cuba. He was let in with indecent haste so its clear to me he was wanted back in the US for some purpose.  Perhaps the Missile Crisis and the way it played out and resolved meant the original plans for LHO became obselete.  However his legend and his 'defection' made him perfect if you wanted him as an assassin patsy to excuse an invasion of Cuba.I am absolutely convinced that was one of conspiracies.  I am not convinced that that particular conspiracy was meant to be fatal - it didnt need to be. Just an attempt or even evidence of an un-carried out plot involving someone with a commie Cuban-linked legend would be enought. 

As i said in a previoius post, a patsy like Oswald was not needed if you just wanted to kill JFK. He could have been hit, the assassins melted away never to be identified. After all this is what did happen with the real shooters.  Adding Oswald to me was a crazy and unnecessary complication unless the purpose was not just to kill JFK but to use Oswald's legend to create a political situation.

May 26, 2016 at 6:29 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Mick Purdy
Posts: 1403

Alan, I can see where you're coming from. But for me I can't buy into the fact that anyone would have left the Kennedy assassination as an "unsolved" murder case with the assassins on the loose. I just can't accept that. I can't accept that anyone with prior knowledge of the event would have allowed for that scenario.

 "As i said in a previoius post, a patsy like Oswald was not needed if you just wanted to kill JFK. He could have been hit, the assassins melted away never to be identified."

But they did melt away, true - but the use of Oswald as a scapegoat surely brought some calm to the situation. The Lone Nut Commie, worked a treat IMO

"If you torture the statements, affidavits and the evidence long enough,
it will confess to anything you'd like"
May 26, 2016 at 7:55 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

Mick Purdy at May 26, 2016 at 7:55 PM

Alan, I can see where you're coming from. But for me I can't buy into the fact that anyone would have left the Kennedy assassination as an "unsolved" murder case with the assassins on the loose. I just can't accept that. I can't accept that anyone with prior knowledge of the event would have allowed for that scenario.

 "As i said in a previoius post, a patsy like Oswald was not needed if you just wanted to kill JFK. He could have been hit, the assassins melted away never to be identified."

But they did melt away, true - but the use of Oswald as a scapegoat surely brought some calm to the situation. The Lone Nut Commie, worked a treat IMO

Agreed Mick. As soon as a conspiracy is acknowledged by the authorities, the first and foremost suspicion by all concerned including the public of course it that it has to be an inside job. Somebody with inside knowledge must aid and abet almost by default of there being a conspiracy. A real investigation / trial must result. A patsey / lone gunman puts a stopper in that whole shit storm.

May 26, 2016 at 8:39 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Mick Purdy
Posts: 1403

Jake at May 26, 2016 at 8:39 PM

Mick Purdy at May 26, 2016 at 7:55 PM

Alan, I can see where you're coming from. But for me I can't buy into the fact that anyone would have left the Kennedy assassination as an "unsolved" murder case with the assassins on the loose. I just can't accept that. I can't accept that anyone with prior knowledge of the event would have allowed for that scenario.

 "As i said in a previoius post, a patsy like Oswald was not needed if you just wanted to kill JFK. He could have been hit, the assassins melted away never to be identified."

But they did melt away, true - but the use of Oswald as a scapegoat surely brought some calm to the situation. The Lone Nut Commie, worked a treat IMO

Agreed Mick. As soon as a conspiracy is acknowledged by the authorities, the first and foremost suspicion by all concerned including the public of course it that it has to be an inside job. Somebody with inside knowledge must aid and abet almost by default of there being a conspiracy. A real investigation / trial must result. A patsey / lone gunman puts a stopper in that whole shit storm.

Yes Jake - and a dead lone nutter / patsy is all the more welcome. Relief for all concerned - nothing to see here. Case closed!

"If you torture the statements, affidavits and the evidence long enough,
it will confess to anything you'd like"
May 26, 2016 at 10:45 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 1915

Alan can you please start a seperate thread about Oswald.

I would like to prevent this thread from being derailed further.

There are too many facets about Oswald and the man probably could use his own thread for that!

Thank you.



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May 27, 2016 at 3:02 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 1915

Thanks to Stan Dane for the original heads up on this.

Great find mate!



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May 27, 2016 at 3:26 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Hasan Yusuf
Posts: 1411

Thanks to Stan Dane for the original heads up on this.

Great find mate!

Indeed. Well done, Stan.

May 28, 2016 at 12:39 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 37

Barto at May 27, 2016 at 3:02 AM

Alan can you please start a seperate thread about Oswald.

I would like to prevent this thread from being derailed further.

There are too many facets about Oswald and the man probably could use his own thread for that!

Thank you.

No problem.

May 28, 2016 at 6:37 AM Flag Quote & Reply

ashley wood
Posts: 11

Taxi driver Darryl Click ? That's a new one for me.

May 28, 2016 at 6:55 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 1915

Ashley for thatI refer you to this thread



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May 28, 2016 at 9:04 AM Flag Quote & Reply

ashley wood
Posts: 11

Thanks Bart. It's all coming back to me now.

May 28, 2016 at 10:21 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 1915

Washington Post Nov 23



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May 29, 2016 at 3:47 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 1915

He was placed there, strange thing to say....



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May 29, 2016 at 4:21 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Lee Farley
Posts: 921

What is with the spelling of the word "employee" in these reports?  It appears across many of them.  It is written as "employe" and is a very rare alternative spelling.

I find it a bit odd.

Is this alternative spelling used frequently in the U.S.?  Then and now?

May 29, 2016 at 5:36 AM Flag Quote & Reply

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