Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Steven Wilson


Steven Wilson TSBD

With thanks to Linda Giovanna Zambanini.

Steven Wilson, the vice-president of Allyne & Bacon,  stayed behind in the building on the third floor as he had just recovered from a heart attack. The Dillard shot that gave the three African Americans Bonnie Ray Williams, James Jarman and Harold Norman their 15 seconds of fame. Wilson is seen in the Dillard photo below behind the window on the East side of the third floor.

Steven Wilson in the Tom Dillard photo taken shortly after the shots had been fired. Click pic. to enlarge.


In his first FBI statement from Jan 9th 1964 Wilson doesn’t divulge much.

Stevn F Wilson FBI statement Jan 9 1964. Click image to enlarge. With thans to Malcolm Blunt.

Wilson manages to get his CE 1381 statement to be five pages long, which by itself is astonishing since other T.S.B.D. employees could hardly manage one and a half pages of information.


Wilson was also interviewed for the Garrison investigation and in that document below states he is more than willing to step forward as a witness and that he believes in a conspiracy.
Preliminary interview with Steven Wilson for the Garrison trial. Thanks to Malcolm Blunt. Click to enlarge.


Overall this gives the following situation when it comes to people watching from the south side at the time of the Weaver Polaroid was taken..

TSBD employees in the Jack Weaver polaroid. Click pic to enlarge.