Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Sarah Stanton.


Apparently present on the landing near the door, but she is not noticed anywhere in Wiegman, but in Darnell, about 15 seconds after the shooting curiosity got the better of her and she moved a small step to the west to get a better look down Elm. Buell Frazier mentions her in his testimony for the W.C. as a heavyset short lady.

Sarah Stanton. With thanks to Linda Giovanna Zambanini.

Sarah Stanton. Click to enlarge. With thanks to Linda Giovanna Zambanini.

Below is Stanton’s Nov. 23rd FBI statement which was used by the Warren Commission (see below). This statement was taken by Nat E Pinkston, the same person who took Roy Truly’s statement and introduced the Second floor lunch room encounter.

FBI statement of Sarah Stanton by Nate Pinkston Nov 23 1963. Click pic to enlarge. From Mary Ferrell.

In it she states that she went up immediately up to the second floor office via the front elevator. If she had done so then she would have run into either Geneva Hine, who claimed to be on her own between 12:25 and 12:35, Mrs R. Reid and Lee Oswald or all three of them of course.

Stanton is noticed by Geneva Hine entering the office as part of a large group which includes Ochus Campbell, Martha Reid, Otis Williams, Mrs Robert Reid and Joe Molina. Molina testified in front of the HSCA that he witnessed Forrest Sorrels entering the TSBD and demand that the building be sealed. Sorrels did not show till at least 20 if not 25 minutes after the assassination!

Then there is of course Sarah Stanton’s statement for CE 1381. This document contains answers to a FBI constructed questionnaire that every TSBD employee was required to answer. Stanton mentions the people that were standing close to her. Lovelady stood on the west side but moved gradually more east in the period seen in the Bell film and eventually in Wiegman and the Altgens 6 photo before departing for the knol area seconds after the shooting had stopped.*

Buell Wesley Frazier also confirms in some videos that Sarah Stanton was standing to his left, as per her own statement on the East side of the steps along with Pauline Sanders.

At 18:25.


At 53:30 Gary Mack, in a 2002 interview with Buell Wesley Frazier for the Sixth Floor Museum, specifically asks him, to his right or left and he points and says left!

At 06:02, in a Sixth Floor Museum interview Buell Frazier who uses both his hands indicates only with his left hand outwards.

Stanton wearing a white blouse seen standing right next to Pauline Sanders in the Wiegman film.

Sarah Stanton in the Wiegman film.

And here is a “newer” version of the Darnell film. There is only a 4 to 5 ft distance between her and Frazier.

Sarah Stanton in Darnell. Click to enlarge.

Updated Dec 16 2021.
More: Pauline Sanders and Sarah Stanton on the steps of the T.S.B.D.