Business as usual or meet the lone gunman(UA-66627984-1)

Karan Hicks



“On November 22, 1963 I left my office about 11:30 A.M. to see the Presidential Motorcade which was to pass along Elm Street in front of the building. I was with Mrs . Gloria Calvery, Apt. 120, 1023 Hurwitz Rd., Irving, Texas, Mrs. Carol Read, 6428 Silvery Moon Drive, Dallas, Texas and Miss Karen Westbrook, 6606 Atha Drive, Dallas, Texas. We walked to Elm street and stopped at a point on the north edge of Elm Street about halfway between Houston Street and the Triple Underpass. We were standing at this point when President John F. Kennedy was shot. The car he was in was almost directly in front of where I was standing when I heard the first explosion. I did not immediately recognise this sound as a gunshot.”