Judith Louise McCully

1963 highland park high school
There is a bit of a discrepancy with Judy McCully’s statements, and that is that in the first FBI affidavit from Nov. 24 1963, she mentions that she was on the fourth floor instead of the front steps, as claimed on Feb. 18th and March 19th 1964.

Judyth Louise McCully. Click pic. to enlarge.
At the end of McCully’s FBI statement from March 19th 1964 it is stated that:
Miss McCully advised that when she was previously interviewed by FBI Agents on November 24, 1963, she recalls telling them she was standing on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository watching the Presidential motorcade pass by the building; however, she stated she wished to clarify this point by stating she was actually standing on the steps of the main entrance to building and immediately following the shooting returned to the fourth floor.
There is no mention of McCully in Avery Davis’ original 11/23/63 FBI Report. She does not mention standing with McCully until her second known description of the day’s events which she gave to the Dallas Sheriff’s Department on 2/18/64.
The affidavit above is taken by her uncle Edmund Clarence Hardin.
Then at the end of Nov. 2018 I managed to get in touch with her daughter who was very gracious in talking to me and helping to clear this matter. According to her, her mom did not really speak about it, and definitely not to others. Any enquiry would have to go through her grandmother. But her mom was on the 4th floor of the T.S.B.D. as it went down and she did say that she looked out of the window, but further details of that moment were not discussed. The reason why the statement changed from the 4th floor to the front steps was because the F.B.I. ‘advised’ her to.
Now why that is will be an enigma for years to come but that is what happened. And that the F.B.I. had a finger in that is of no surprise.
J.M. images courtesy of D. K-Cox.