2020The Hosty document in the documentary: Oswald and JFK UNSOLVED CASES
The Hosty document in the documentary: Oswald and JFK UNSOLVED CASES
Last year it was reported by several attendees of the November 2019 Dallas conferences that a Japanese documentary film crew of NHK World was present filming in Dealey Plaza in Dallas.
I got to know that John Newman and Jefferson Morley were contributing to it so I would definitely want to see the end result.
Shortly after, the November conferences I was contacted by Stu Wexler asking me about a copy of the Hosty document I found in Feb 2019 at Malcolm Blunt’s archives.. Did not think it would be used and forgot about it so to speak. Low and behold when the documentary was released in July this year it featured the all important pre-statement made by James Hosty on the back of a blank Dallas Police Department affidavit sheet with the all important sentence “Then went outside to watch the P. Parade.”
And it is nice to see the Malcolm Blunt Archive being credited for it. It is a good thing that people outside the so called ‘clique’ get to see this all important document.
The documentary itself, has some good bits, bot not enough of it. Would have liked to have seen more of Newman and thought it was a bit overloaded with the dramatisations of the reenactment scenes of which some is rather questionable. The perfect JFKA documentary simply doesn’t exist. Or will Oliver Stone change things when his comes out? Nah….
The fragment with the document is in Part two “The Chessmaster” at 35:00, which you can view here. The first segment “!The Pawn” can be viewed here.
The Hosty document with its all important passage here.