I spoke with Doug Campbell of the Dallas Action podcast about the TSBD inside and in front.
April 2023
I love being on Quick Hits, always great fun.
March 2023
Another chat with Robbie Robertson.
Aug 2022
I did a really good talk with Doug Campbell of the Dallas Action podcast. In this episode we predominately only discuss the first few hours of Oswald’s incarceration. Click the pic below to be taken to it.
Another episode with Robbie’s Out Of The Blank podcast. This time together with Greg Parker.
July 2022
Robbie Robertson invited me for a chat at Out of the Blank. I am discussing my recently released papers and we stray off for a bit as well.
May 2022.
The AARC has published my article on the destruction of Lee Oswald’s alibi and the invention of the second floor lunch room encounter.
November 2021.
Quick Hits 27, I talk about the Malcolm Blunt’s archive with Rob Clark and Doug Campbell. This archive will be opened to the public on Nov 20th 2021. Click the picture below to go to the podcast.
June 2021.
I rejoined Rock Clark & Douglas Campbell for the Quick Hits podcast episode 21. I talk about the Hidell ID and the Malcolm Blunt Archives. Click the image below.
BART KAMP of Dealey Plaza UK and the ROKC group joins S.T. Patrick to discuss the Prayer Man photograph, Lee Oswald’s final day of freedom, and the employees at the Texas School Book Depository. Kamp addresses his entrance into the JFK assassination community, the origins of the Prayer Man figure and who Kamp believes it may be, the employees in the Texas School Book Depository and what they saw on 11/22/63, the Prayer Man vs Doorway Man controversy, what Lee Oswald could and could have done in the time allowed by the Warren Commission, the other employees on the steps, the need for better photographic scans, and much more.
I have done a Dutch national radio program and a local Dutch TV current affairs program. Both will need English subtitles so until done so this space is occupied with this text, eventually links to both segments will appear here. For now this blog post will have to do.
Blog post by EJK from NY. Who is converted by the subterfuge of evidence as shown in the movie that Prayer Man is Lee Oswald. March 1st 2016.
Feb 2016.
Episode 104 of Rob Clark’s Lone Gun Man podcast, 2 hours of chatter Feb 16th 2016.
Review on GoodReads. Dec 2015.
Hasan Yusuf review. Dec 2015. Click to enlarge.
Mentioning of my movie in the Prayer Man: Out Of The Shadows And Into The Light Book Review. Dec 2015. Click to enlarge.
Lee Harvey Oswald being searched This article is derived from my up and coming update to the Anatomy of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Interrogations paper, which will be released in Q2 2022. Since my work...
Lee Harvey Oswald – Alek James Hidell While working on my forthcoming paper Anatomy of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Interrogations Vol. 3, which I hope to release in the Autumn of 2021 (more like June...
The Destruction of Lee Oswald’s Alibi & The Invention of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter. Updated July 8 2024. I have been investigating the second floor lunchroom encounter for several years now and have...
This article was orginally posted on Oct. 17 2015. It has been in part re-written, re-edited and updated in Sept. 2024. In March 2015, Gary Mack sent a few members of the Education Forum a...
Oswald being charged with the murder of JFK as part of a communist conspiracy. Updated Dec 14th 2019. While putting together my up and coming paper Anatomy Of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Interrogations I came...
Pierce Allman Pierce Allman was manager of programming and production at WFAA and an important witness to the assassination. He had a prime spot, only a few meters down on Elm from where Tina...
Billy Nolan Lovelady and Bill Shelly did leave the steps almost immediately after the shots were fired. This post has been amended on Jan 29th, Feb 14th, Feb 16th, Oct. 14th 2016. and Aug. 29th...
Yesterday I met up with Ian Griggs, author of No Case To Answer. He has been researching this case for decades and he has visited Dallas many many times (he has lost count). A former...
Richard Bernarbei (1933-1979) was a college professor at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. About a year and a half ago I was wondering whether anyone else had noticed Prayer Man in the Wiegman and/or...
The Alleged Raleigh Call This is a rewritten and updated version from the original post published on Feb. 26 2019. Updated with text and links added on Dec 30 2022, Jan 20 & 27...
As I have mentioned before on the Prayer Man FB page I have been quite busy with putting a new website together for Dealey Plaza UK. Part of that website was trying to put some...
Marina Oswald: “It’s Lee” By Ed Ledoux and Bart Kamp. Some photos and text has been added and amended. Feb. 22nd 2019. In June and July of 2018 the core ROKC members were discussing...
Dallas Police & Sheriff H.S.C.A. statements This year I have spent countless hours on gathering, scanning and organising many thousands of pages of documents from a few archives. This H.S.C.A. material of thirteen D.P.D....
Updated March 29th 2019. Tom Alyea is the WFAA cameraman who managed to get inside the T.S.B.D. and filmed the D.P.D. searching inside and while filming them also recorded other people of interest such as...
Some Shel Hershorn shots, quite rare (not any more :) ) and show a possible sniper position, which has a way better view than the so called sniper’s nest on the 6th floor of...
Updated June 30th 2018. Added Harold Norman’s HSCA testimony. Updated December 4th 2019 Added a snippet of Buell Wesley Frazier’s W.C.testimony __________________________________________________________________________________________ Let’s begin with Roy Truly’s testimony where he sheds light on what was...
Lately a few individuals have tried to claim that Prayer Man was very short and they used ‘calculations’ and the ‘fact’ that Lovelady was standing on the landing when Dave Wiegman filmed the front of...
There were ten women on the fourth floor when it went down. From my up and coming paper Anatomy of the T.S.B.D. Updated with a new title, a little text and some pictures on...