Richard Stovall.
Richard Stovall described his initial encounter with Oswald in the joint report made up with Gus Rose and John Adamcik, which you can see below.
- Joint Report by Richard Stovall, Gus Rose and John Adamcik.
- Joint Report by Richard Stovall, Gus Rose and John Adamcik.
- Joint Report by Richard Stovall, Gus Rose and John Adamcik.
- Joint Report by Richard Stovall, Gus Rose and John Adamcik.
Richard Stovall’s W.C. testimony mentions the following before he is sent out by Fritz to search Ruth Paine’s house and her garage alongside with Rose and Adamcik, which seemed to be able to produce many different incriminating things over that short time period.
Mr. BALL. Were you given an assignment as soon as you got down there?
Mr. STOVALL. No, sir; I wasn’t–as soon as I got there. I got there and one of my partners, G. F. Rose, got there about the same time. We were talking to a witness that had seen all the people standing out there–he didn’t actually see anything, so we didn’t even take an affidavit from him because he didn’t see anything. While talking to him, the officers brought Lee Harvey Oswald into the Homicide Bureau and put him into an interrogation room we have there at the bureau. After we finished talking to this witness, we went back there and talked to him briefly.
Mr. BALL. Do you remember what was said to him and what he said to you?
Mr. STOVALL. I don’t recall exactly–I went in and asked him for his identification, asked him who he was and he said his name was Lee Oswald, as well as I remember. Rose and I were both in there at the time. He had his billfold and in it he had the identification of “A. Hidell,” which was on a selective service card, as well as I remember.
Mr. BALL. That’s [spelling] H-i-d-e-l-l, isn’t it?.
Mr. STOVALL. I’m not positive on that–I believe it was [spelling] H-i-d-e-l-l, I’m not sure. And he also had identification of Lee Harvey Oswald, and I believe that was on a Social Security card and at that time Captain Fritz opened the door to the office there and sent Rose and I to go out to this address in Irving at 2515 West Fifth Street in Irving. That was–I don’t know where the Captain got the address, but it was an address where he was supposed to be staying part of the time.
And from that short interview session with Oswald something important becomes apparent: Rose and Stovall contradict each other in their Warren Commission testimonies. Yet they were inside the same room with Oswald!
- Richard Stovall HSCA-1
- Richard Stovall HSCA-2