Richard M. Sims
Richard Sims, was with the DPD since 1948 and homicide since 1957. When JFK got shot he was with Fritz at the Trade Mart. Sims is seen escorting Oswald in the corridor.
He probably is the most forgetful person of the whole bunch. Harold Weisberg noted this already decades ago: “Sims is another case of a man who remembers nothing, is not asked searching questions to find out, in fact he does remember anything, or why he doesn’t remember anything. He is exceedingly careful to say nothing involving any superior. He remembers Oswald was questioned, he remembers he Questioned Oswald, he remembers none of the questions he asked and none of the answers Oswald gave.
Sims is recorded escorting Oswald quite a few times o NOv. 22nd and 23rd.
Sims’ Warren Commission testimony is a careful lesson to understanding how the old boy network works. With the interrogation in mind I have highlighted some of his testimony, and it is downright revealing. I am only pointing out a few bits, but it would be best if you read the entire testimony since it is all too revealing.