This coming weekend, as mentioned before I will be giving a talk at the Dealey Plaza UK conference in Canterbury, and the next day I will moderate a Q&A with Malcolm Blunt.
I have worked on the software that I used for the movie and there will be more sources to show for the fakery of the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter.
It is my intention to show more media on Lovelady, Shelley, Molina, the 4th floor ladies, the 5th floor African Americans and Roy Truly.
And the interrogations of Oswald and the main players involved with that , this will be discussed in more detail.
The Camera section will be more concise, but one cool revelation is to be added about the history of the discovery of Prayer Man. This has not been shared publicly yet.
Finally the search for the images gets a bit of an update.
I am partly going to use this talk to see where to improve before I start making new movie clips which I hope to make a beginning with in May and release these over this Summer they shall be released in approx. 25 minute segments.
In the mean time I am looking forward to two days of JFK nattering and downing a few jars! I shall be reporting about this event next week. I also hope to publish the talk with Malcolm Blunt as well.