This section is about the individuals who filmed and photographed the front of the TSBD, some of them caught Prayer Man as well. They are: James ‘Ike’ Altgens, Malcolm Couch, James ‘Jimmy’ Darnell, Robert Hughes, John Martin, Tina Tower and Dave Weigman. Use the “CAMERA” drop down menu to explore further.
I could write huge stories on every individual but I rather refer you to some good books which have done all that work beforehand. I am trying to keep things focused as much as possible on the TSBD element and Prayer Man.
Pictures Of The Pain by Richard Trask. This book is a very good resource to obtain info about the camera men backgrounds and actions that day.
That Day in Dallas by Richard Trask. In depth study of James Altgens’, Cecil Stoughton’s and Jim Murray’s photographs.
Whitewash III by Harold Weisberg.
Photographic Whitewash by Harold Weisberg. Both these books by him deal with the suppression of the photographic evidence.
Some photography related posts I have made since setting up this site.
The 6th floor window in the Robert Hughes film.
Ochus Campbell and Betty Dragoo in Altgens 6.
Pauline Sanders and Sarah Stanton on the steps of the T.S.B.D.
The Darnell film at the 6th floor museum.
The search for the Wiegman and Darnell films.