2020Bob Storey to Lee Rankin
Bob Storey to Lee Rankin.
Found in the Waggoner Carr Archives, a letter from Bob Storey of Dallas law firm Storey, Armstrong and Steger. With thanks to Malcolm Blunt.
In this document from June 2nd 1964 Bob Storey relates to J. Lee Rankin that he met up with Waggoner Carr and Leon Jaworski. During that meeting they discuss who else may be of interest to the Warren Commission for witness testimony. Earle Cabell (Dallas Mayor) for his experiences and that of his wife while being in the motorcade during the assassination. Elgin Crull (City Manager) and his role of having the media cram up the corridor on the 3rd floor of City Hall are mentioned before H. Louis Nichols is suggested as well. His visit to Oswald on Nov 23rd around 17:00 hrs is relayed in great detail.
Bob Storey contacted H. Louis Nichols and, as stated in the doc on page 3, pursuant to many complaints from the North and East that “Oswald should be provided counsel”. That gives us a bit of info as to who got Nichols to show up at D.P.D. HQ. But the next sentence is proper gold. I first talked with Henry Wade and he said in substance, that “he was going to recommend to the Court that the President of the Dallas Bar Association and Dallas Criminal Bar Association be appointed as council for Oswald by the Court as and when he was indicted.” Ther indictment was expected on Monday morning.
Excuse me? Monday morning? Oswald was supposedly pulled out of his cell and indicted at about 01:30 on the 23rd. This is of course is another nail in the coffin to the official story.
The interview by Nichols in front of several reporters and camera men is shown nationwide and seems to satisfy the lawyers that registered their concern earlier.
I find the element that Waggoner Carr was so up to date about what the Warren Commission was doing and even suggesting who to interview in front of them most interesting.